Why is your Morning Blood Sugar Level is High?

As every diabetic knows, diet and exercise are critical in controlling unruly blood sugar levels (BSL),  And as many have experienced, a proper regimen usually leads to drops in BSL.

But, often, while postprandial readings often come down to less than 140, morning blood sugar remains stubbornly high.

Doctors call this the ‘dawn phenomenon, probably because it usually occurs at dawn—between 2 am and 7 am.

It is important to note that the dawn phenomenon is not restricted to diabetics. It happens to all of us. The only difference is that in non-diabetics it doesn’t cross 100 points.

Frustration often leads diabetics suffering from it to try many things like : reduce their evening/night meals to the point of starvation, eat early—by 7.00 pm, cut carbs but, their morning blood glucose levels remain high.

While you sleep, your blood sugar slowly drops until it reaches its lowest point, by around 4 - 5 am. About this same time,four hormones in your body start to function.

Cortisol,Growth Hormone,Adrenalin and Glucagon, trigger a release of glucose from the liver into the bloodstream causing a spike in the morning fasting sugar levels.