Ingredients:  2 cups Khapali wheat flour (atta) 2 tbsp mustard oil 3 tomatoes, chopped 1 tsp lemon juice ¼ cup coriander (dhaniapatta) ½ cup spring onion greens, chopped ½ cup spring onions, chopped 1 cup radishes, chopped 1 cup spinach, chopped 1 tsp black pepper 1½ tsp cumin powder (jeera) 8 cloves garlic, crushed Salt to taste

Cooking Preparation:  Heat mustard oil in a pan. Fry onions and garlic until translucent. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until mushy.

Spices and Vegetables:  Add cumin powder, garam masala, black pepper, and the assortment of chopped vegetables.

Broth Preparation:  Add water to the mixture and bring it to a boil.

Dough Kneading: Meanwhile, knead dough from Khapali wheat flour.

Dough Strips:  Create irregular, bite-sized dough strips and place them in the simmering broth.

Final Steps:  Cook for 10 minutes, add salt, and garnish with coriander and green onion leaves. Serve Khapali Wheat Flour Thukpa hot.