Tangy Tamarind Rice Recipe:  A flavorful dish with the zing of tamarind and the richness of brown raw rice.

Simple Ingredients:  Broken brown raw rice, tamarind, gingelly oil, mustard seeds, chana dal, peanuts, red chilies, turmeric powder, asafoetida, stevia drops (optional), curry leaves, and salt.

Tamarind Preparation:  Soak tamarind, extract juice, and ensure it's 2½ times the rice portion.

Tempering and Sautéing:  Gingelly oil, mustard seeds, chana dal, peanuts, red chilies, and curry leaves create a flavorful tempering.

Boiling Tamarind Water:  Boil tamarind water with salt, turmeric powder, stevia drops, and asafoetida.

Adding Rice:  Gradually add broken raw rice, stirring continuously to prevent lumping.

Cooking and Serving:  Cover and cook until rice is done, then flatten on a greased thali plate, cool, and cut into squares. Serve with onion raita for a delightful meal.