Diabetes-Friendly Lettuce Mix Salad

Lettuce is very low in calories and full of minerals and vitamins - 100 g of lettuce provides only 15 calories.

Lettuce has amazing health benefits and knowing these can help us utilize lettuce nutrition in the most effective way for your optimum health.

Ingredients of making salad: Lettuce 1 Head  Tomato,  Sliced 1  Radish, Sliced 3  Cucumber, Sliced 1

Lemon, Sliced 1  Spring Onion, 4 Piece  Coriander Some  Mint  Salt

Method:  First of all, separate the lettuce and arrange them on a plate.  Then arrange the cucumber, tomato, radish, lemon. Sprinkle coriander, mint, and salt.Serve.

Storage/serving suggestion  Freshly prepared salads are the best. 1-day refrigeration is allowed.