Diabetes-Friendly Cauliflower Soup: Quick and Easy (30 Minutes):  Time-efficient recipe requiring only 5 ingredients for a speedy preparation.

Ingredients:  Cauliflower (2 cups) Onions, chopped (1/2 cup) Spinach leaves (handful) Skimmed milk (2 cups) Vegetable stock (1 liter) Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation:  Simmer cauliflower, onion, and spinach in vegetable stock until soft. Cool and blend into a smooth mixture. Add milk, salt, and pepper. Heat and serve immediately.

Serving Suggestions:  Enjoy the soup with garlic bread or soup sticks for a delightful meal.

Low-Carb, High-Fibre Goodness:  Cauliflower's low carbs and high fiber promote slow sugar release, preventing spikes.

Nutrient-Rich Ingredients:  Cauliflower and spinach offer magnesium, folate, iron, calcium, and various vitamins.

Weight-Loss Friendly:  Light on the stomach, soups aid weight loss and contribute to diabetes control.