Which is the Best Morning Drink For Diabetes ?

Karela Juice: Traditionally considered excellent for managing blood sugar levels. Low in fat, carbs, and calories; rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Ideal addition to a diabetes-friendly diet.

Methi Water: Simple and nourishing choice. Fenugreek seeds are beneficial for diabetics. Soak seeds overnight for maximum benefits.

Cinnamon Green Tea: Green tea supports diabetes management. Avoid sweeteners; enhance flavor with cinnamon. Cinnamon may help control blood sugar levels.

Barley Water: Barley, a super grain, helps regulate blood sugar levels. Water infused with barley is ideal for diabetics. Mindful of salt consumption, as it may be added.

Lemon Water: Convenient and diabetic-friendly morning drink. Detoxifying with alkaline effects. May boost immunity and aid in weight loss. Add mint or ginger for flavor; avoid sweeteners.