Last updated on September 27th, 2022
Coconut is a fruit that comes with several potential health benefits. It is commonly known for its water, milk, oil, and tasty skin. It is commonly known as Nariyal Pani, which is a blessing in scorching heat. Coconut water is the best way to cool yourself during the summer season. Coconut oil is a good replacement for various edible oils available for cooking. Originating in Indo-Malaya, Coconut fruit comes from the coconut palm. The tree of the palm family. Its trees are cultivated around the globe and are the most naturally widespread fruit tree on the planet.

Coconut Nutrition
Coconut is rich in several nutritional values, and it contains a good amount of protein, several important minerals, and a few vitamins. Coconut contains manganese, copper, and iron in ample quantity. The fruit is essential for bone health and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol. It also helps in developing blood cells, as well as selenium, an important antioxidant that protects your cells. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, here is the nutritional profile of coconut water:
Nutrients per 100 grams | Amount |
Water | 95.03 g |
Calories | 17 kcal |
Carbs | 4.2 g |
Protein | 0.22 g |
Fiber | 0 g |
Total Sugar | 3.9 g |
Calcium | 7 mg |
Magnesium | 6 mg |
Phosphorous | 5 mg |
Potassium | 165 mg |
Sodium | 26 mg |
Vitamin C | 9.9 mg |
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Glycemic Index of Coconut water
According to the Cleveland Clinic Health website, coconut water’s Glycemic Index (GI) score is 54. Plus, the Glycemic Load (GL) of coconut water is 3. Both the glycemic profiles of coconut water come in the low GI category. The GI and GL value of coconut water make this fruit a must-have for anyone suffering from type 2 diabetes. It is one of the best dry drupes for controlling diabetes.
Benefits of Coconut and Coconut Water
Coconut Helps in Losing Weight
People have a hectic lifestyle nowadays due to workload pressure and earning their living. The most ignorant a person becomes towards anything is his own ‘health’. Its outcomes can be many, but the worst is weight gain. It is something that easily happens, but reducing weight sometimes becomes a nightmare. It is important to keep a check on your diet when you are struggling to lose weight. According to Vinmec Healthcare, drinking coconut water can be a good option for weight loss. It works as a great snack for your petty hunger needs, and it also keeps your cholesterol level in control.
Coconut Boosts Immunity
Weak immunity has become so common after the world was hit by the Corona pandemic. All we can do to be safe from Corona is to keep ourselves high on immunity. According to the MaxLab website, drinking raw coconut water helps boost immunity. Coconut fruit has an antibacterial and antiviral nature. It is also good for people who suffer from throat and bronchitis problems.
Coconut Helps Curb Constipation
Coconut is 61 percent fiber that helps in cutting constipation. It generally occurs on consuming food low on fiber. Moreover, according to the Drinkgt health website, coconut water has the natural properties of a laxative.
Coconut For Hair and Skin
Eating raw coconut helps keep skin hydrated, which eventually leads to wrinkle-free skin for ages. According to a clinical study done by the NIH (National Institute of Health), coconut water helps with hair growth. Coconut is essential for getting rid of the problem of dry skin. Coconut boasts a rich amount of monolaurin and lauric acid. It is anti-bacterial and antifungal in nature. Hence, it helps in tackling the problems of acne and scalp.
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Types Of Coconut Products
Coconut Water
Tender coconut water can be the best solution to enrich you with nutrition. There are several benefits of drinking coconut water, but we have to explain it in the simplest terms: it keeps the body hydrated and cool.
Coconut Oil
We use oil for cooking needs in our homes, and we can easily replace it with coconut oil. Coconut oil helps weight loss as it boasts a low-carb diet. It comes with nearly 100 calories in one tablespoon of oil. One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 11 grams of saturated fat, which is good to consume. Many health experts have advised taking no more than 13 grams of saturated fat in a day. More fat than the recommended quantity raises LDL or bad cholesterol levels. An increase in cholesterol levels may higher the risk of heart disease. Hence, consuming Coconut oil is always good for your health, but keep a check on the quantity you intake.
Coconut Meat
The white flesh inside a coconut is the coconut meat. It is high in fat and calories while moderate in carbs and protein. Unsweetened coconut meat makes a great addition to a balanced diet.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is often considered an alternative to cow milk as it comes with various health benefits. It has a thick consistency and a rich, creamy texture. The demand for Coconut milk is mostly in Hawaii, India, South America, and Caribbean countries. Some people also get confused about coconut water and milk. Both are different as solid coconut flesh is mixed with water to make coconut milk.
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How to Make Coconut Milk?
Just like any other milk, Coconut milk also is categorized as thick and thin based on its consistency and how much the milk is processed. Thick coconut milk is made by grating the solid coconut flesh and then either boiling it or simmering it in water.
Meanwhile, the grated coconut that is left in the cheesecloth is simmered in water. The straining process is then repeated to produce thin milk.
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Benefits of Coconut Water
Coconut water is not only good in taste, but it also has endless health benefits. People from all age groups can consume coconut water on a routine basis. Coconut water or Nariyal Pani is rich in fibre, protein, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Vitamin C, carbohydrates, sugar, and fat. Nariyal Pani is one of the favourite beverages in India. Its availability is almost all across the year and its cost also is comparatively less compared to other fruits. This also makes coconut water a more consumable drink in summer. It can be easily found on every street, especially where scorching summer and heat waves are dehydrating the masses. It is served with a straw inside the big green-coloured coconut.
There are several health benefits of drinking coconut water, and we will check it out in detail:
Coconut Water for Kidney Stones
The best way to prevent kidney stones is to remain hydrated. The more you intake fluids, the more chances that your kidney stone will come out through urine. Coconut water is the best way to keep you hydrated. Drinking Coconut water as per your balanced diet may help in flushing out your kidney stones. A study conducted in the year 2018 showed that coconut water intake increases the chances of removal of potassium, chloride, and citrate in urine.
Staying hydrated also has several other health benefits, and it keeps your body fit in many ways. Staying hydrated boosts energy levels, reduces joint pain, supports digestion, improves cognition, manages weight, regulates body temperature, reduces the occurrence of headaches, and, last but never least it also improves heart health.
Coconut Water For Skin
A preliminary study by the National Library of Medicine in 2017 suggested that coconut water content is antibacterial and antifungal. It helps the prevention of acne and scalp treatment.
Fat and Cholesterol in Coconut Water
Coconut water content is fat-free and cholesterol-free. According to USDA, it contains 94 percent water. The amount of fat present in the coconut is also said to be good fat, and it does not harm your body if taken in a balanced way.
Potassium in Coconut Water
Taking an adequate amount of potassium in your routine diet is important, but most people don’t get enough of it. Potassium helps remove extra sodium from the body through urine. Coconut water helps intake the necessary amount of potassium in the body. Moreover, a 2005 study by NIH (National Institute of Health) also helps in lowering blood pressure. But it is also suggested that if you are on a blood pressure medicine, you should avoid drinking coconut water. The best way, however, is to consult your doctor regarding this.
Blood Sugar Benefits
Anything in excess is bad, so before telling you how drinking coconut water daily may help patients who are suffering from diabetes, it is important to know that coconut water intake should be in the advised quantity. It is always better to drink unsweetened coconut water than to take sugary beverages. According to a medical review published in the National Library of Medicine, coconut water has been proven to control blood sugar. Moreover, the review shows how coconut water helps patients with diabetic retinopathy. Drinking fresh coconut water helps in controlling normal blood sugar levels. But on the other hand, it should be kept in mind that it contains natural sugar, and a person should take it in limited quantities.
Coconut Water During Pregnancy
One of the Coconut water ingredients is electrolytes and nutrients that may benefit the developing fetus. However, it is suggested to consult a health expert before taking it during pregnancy days. Also, it is recommended to take it refrigerated and check for the expiry of the course.
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Best Time to Drink Coconut Water
There’s no specific time for any beverage intake, and nor is the case with coconut water. But definitely, if you take it at a few particular times, you can increase your health benefits.
Consume it Early Morning Empty Stomach
Consuming coconut water early morning on an empty stomach will help in several ways. It contains lauric acid, which will boost the body’s immunity and kick-start the metabolism. Coconut water also helps reduce weight. Pregnant women are often advised to drink coconut water daily to keep their bodies hydrated.
Before or After Exercise
Drinking coconut water before the workout will keep your body hydrated, and it will also boost your energy ahead of the intense workout. Coconut intake after finishing your exercises helps replenish the lost electrolytes during the intense session. Coconut water is commonly considered the best energy drink because it helps in fighting fatigue and exhaustion.
Before Going to Sleep
Coconut fragrance lowers anxiety levels and slows the heart rate. It helps to bring peace to the mind and diminish stress. Drinking coconut water clears all the toxins from the body and clears the urinary tract, thus preventing various infections.
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Coconut Water Recipes
- Coconut water in itself is a refreshing drink, and it can be consumed plain on an empty stomach. It tastes a little sweet.
- Take a glass of coconut water and squeeze some lemonade in it to get the citrus flavor.
- Coconut water can be consumed along with chia seeds. It makes a perfect combination and a refreshing drink for diabetics.
- Coconut water can be consumed by mixing it with some smoothies. It will change the taste, and you will enjoy the nutritious value, too.
Side Effects of Coconut Water
We all are aware that excess of anything can be bad, and it is not necessary that every good thing suits my body or immune system. Tender coconut water can be consumed only once a day. We will discuss below the harms of drinking coconut water.
May Increase Blood Sugar Level
Coconut water ingredients are low in sugar but it contains enough amounts of calories and carbohydrates. Both minerals are not good for blood sugar patients.
Not Good for High Blood Pressure Patients
Coconut water can be fatal for people having high blood pressure. It is advised not to drink nariyal pani (coconut water) or take it only after the doctor’s permission for people taking high blood pressure medication.
Coconut Water has Diuretic Properties
Coconut water has diuretic properties, which means it promotes diuresis and the increased production of urine. So you may end up going to the washroom frequently if you consume coconut water in excess quantity.
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Can Diabetics Consume Coconut Water?
Coconut Pani, or Nariyal Pani, has been shown to be an excellent beverage for people suffering from Diabetes. According to research published by the NIH (National Institute of Health), coconut water helps in the treatment of diabetes. Tender coconut water is high in vitamins and minerals while low in sugar. There are several other factors to say that coconut water is safe to consume for diabetics, but in limited quantity.
- Contains essential nutrients – The presence of various vitamins and minerals in coconut water helps in replenishing electrolytes in the body. It has high fiber content, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and iron. These coconut water ingredients aid in keeping blood sugar levels in balance.
- Contains a low glycemic index – Tender coconut water has a low GI and contains very little natural sugar.
- Enhances blood circulation – Diabetes patients complain about blood circulation issues, which further cause various problems. Coconut water helps enhance blood circulation and restore blood flow in the body.
- Helps with weight loss: Obesity is one of the major problems for people suffering from diabetes. Coconut water is low in calories and high in bio-enzymes, which helps in weight loss.
Coconut water largely benefits anyone consuming it in a limited quantity. It has rich nutritional value with added minerals that are essential for the immune system. It is a refreshing beverage that is easily available in almost all parts of the globe. Patients with diabetes can also consume it but as per the doctor’s advice.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
Yes, Coconut water is best when consumed empty stomach. It boosts immunity and kick-starts the body’s metabolism. Patients with chronic kidney disease should limit drinking coconut water or take a doctor’s advice before consuming it.
It is safe to drink coconut water daily but in a limited quantity. Pregnant women should intake coconut water on the doctor’s advice.
No, it does not. Coconut water has a GI score of 54 and it helps to lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
Drinking fresh coconut water may improve blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. It is best for keeping the body hydrated that eventually helps to push toxins away from the body.
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