Smoking and Diabetes: Effects, Risks, and How To Quit

Last updated on July 17th, 2023

If you’re someone who loves to light up a cigarette and also happens to have diabetes or madhumeh, listen up! This is a significant relationship that can impact you in many ways than you can think of.

Smoking and diabetes don’t blend well, and it’s necessary to infer the relationship between the two. Smoking is a habit that’s not only harmful to your lungs but also has a significant impact on your overall health. And when you do, smoking diabetes can be extra harmful to you.

Diabetes is a condition where your body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels, and smoking diabetes becomes even harder to manage. But don’t bother; we are here to make you understand the connection between smoking and diabetes and what you can do to stay healthy.

In this article, we’ll dive into the effects of how smoking and diabetes get affected, the risks it poses, and some tips to help you quit smoking for good. So, let’s get started!

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes, or madhumeh, is a persistent medical ailment that affects how your body utilises glucose, a sugar type that is a vital source of fuel for our body cells. Glucose comes from our food and is carried by the blood to the cells throughout our body. The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, plays a critical role in regulating the level of glucose in the blood.

Insulin enables glucose to enter our cells, where it is utilised for providing us energy or stored for later use. But in people with diabetes, the body either can’t produce enough insulin or can’t use it properly, which causes glucose to build up in the blood instead of being absorbed by the cells. This high blood glucose(sugar) level, known as hyperglycemia, can result in several health complications over time. With smoking diabetes inflicts damage to the nerves, blood vessels, and organs.

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Types of Diabetes or Madhumeh

There are a few distinct types of madhumeh, including type 1 & type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and other kinds. Type 1 diabetes generally arises in preadolescence or adolescence and is induced by an autoimmune reaction that mutilates the insulin-generating cells in the pancreas.

People having type 1 diabetes are required to inject insulin externally or rely on an insulin pump to administer their sugar levels and keep them in controlled levels. Type 2 diabetes is the more popular type of diabetes and usually develops in adulthood, although it can occur at any age. So smoking diabetes type 2 worsens. It is normally a result of a mixture of hereditary and lifestyle components, such as being overweight or inactive.

In type 2 diabetes or madhumeh, the body becomes resistant to insulin, which means that the cells don’t respond to insulin properly, and the pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin to compensate.

Managing smoking diabetes involves monitoring blood sugar levels regularly, eating a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, taking medications or insulin as prescribed, and working with a healthcare team to develop a personalised treatment plan. Overall, diabetes or madhumeh is a severe condition that requires constant management and continuous care to avoid complications, as smoking causes diabetes and maintains good health.

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Relation between Smoking and Diabetes

Relation between Smoking and Diabetes

Firstly, it is important that you realise smoking and diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, are closely related, and smoking causes diabetes. So people who smoke and possess smoking skills increase their chance of catching the disorder, and with smoking, diabetes worsens. This means that if you smoke, you have a higher chance of developing diabetes or madhumeh compared to someone who doesn’t smoke. Now if you still engage in smoking and diabetes is on your back, then this can make it more difficult for you to manage diabetes. Let’s learn the know-how of smoking and diabetes.

Does Smoking Increase Blood Sugar?

A diabetic person will definitely think of the question: does smoking increase blood sugar? So for smokers who flaunt their smoking skills and people who are curious, we would like to tell you one of the ways that smoking affects diabetes is by causing insulin resistance. And with smoking diabetes becomes worse. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels by allowing glucose to enter cells and be used for energy.

However, when cells become resistant to insulin, they are not able to use glucose effectively, and blood sugar levels can become too high. This is a key feature of type 2 diabetes or madhumeh, and this answers the question: does smoking increase blood sugar? Smoking has been shown to increase insulin resistance in the body. So stop showing your smoking skills, as this isn’t a thing to be proud of.

Start with baby steps which initially involve reducing the number of cigarettes. So if you are smoking a pack a day reduce it to 2-3 cigarettes. Yes, you read that right! Unless you realise quitting smoking is a gradual process you would never be able to do it successfully. Then, after a few days from 2-3 cigarettes a day bring down your smoking to twice or thrice a week. After this in weeks to follow you will slowly be able to bring down your cigarettes to zero.

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Does Tobacco Increase Blood Sugar?

As answered above, in addition to insulin resistance, smoking also inflicts inflammation in the body, which can worsen diabetes. Inflammation is a biological reaction of our body to a wound or infection. However, chronic inflammation can harm the organs and blood vessels, and smoking diabetes becomes worse. In the case of smoking diabetes, inflammation causes pancreas deterioration, the organ responsible for producing insulin. This causes lessened insulin generation, which makes it tougher for our body to manage blood sugar levels.

Smoking and diabetes can also heighten the danger of diabetes-related complications, such as heart disorders and strokes. This is due to smoking diabetes damaging the blood vessels, which could further lead to atherosclerosis, where blood arteries become narrower and hardened. This will automatically hinder the blood flow to essential organs, especially the heart and brain, which can heighten the risk of heart attack and stroke as smoking causes diabetes.

Finally, it’s worth noting that smoking diabetes can also make it more difficult to manage diabetes by interfering with medications used to treat the condition. For example, smoking causes diabetes and curtails the potency of certain diabetes drugs, especially metformin 500mg.

In summary, smoking and diabetes can significantly impact your blood glucose by increasing the risk of developing the condition, worsening insulin resistance and inflammation, increasing the risk of complications, and interfering with medications used to manage the condition. If you have diabetes or madhumeh, it is necessary that you let go of your smoking skills.

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Other Severe Risks

I bet you didn’t know if someone is smoking and diabetes is also on the high, they are at a higher risk of developing kidney and heart disease. And this is not the end; smoking and diabetes can cause poor circulation, infections, ulcers, blood clots, and even amputations in our organs. Smoking causes diabetes along with these infections.

In addition, they could cultivate eye infections like eye retinopathy, which leads to loss of eyesight, as well as nerve damage causing pain & mobility impairments. The compound effects of smoking and diabetes also make it more challenging to accept healthy lifestyle choices.

For instance, issues like cardiovascular problems, reduced lung capacity, and nerve damage may make it difficult to engage in physical activity, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. These obstacles to smoking diabetes could cause the symptoms of smoking and diabetes to become even more severe.

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Controlling Your Diabetes by Quitting Smoking

Controlling Your Diabetes by Quitting Smoking

Management of diabetes or madhumeh is easy but requires consistency as it involves small sacrifices and some dietary restrictions. But in the end, to live healthily, we need to make those changes. Therefore, smoking and diabetes need to be separated and both smoking and diabetes together can turn out to be fatal for you. So here are some ways quitting smoking can help control type 2 diabetes and madhumeh:

Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

Smoking and diabetes can increase blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, making it harder to manage type 2 diabetes. Quitting smoking and letting go of your smoking skills can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it easier to control blood sugar levels.

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Increasing Insulin Absorption

Quitting smoking and diabetes improvement are co-related. This is because you ceasing to smoke increases insulin absorption in people with type 2 diabetes or madhumeh. Smoking causes diabetes and inflammation and damage to the cells in the body, including the cells that produce insulin and the cells that respond to insulin. This damage can lead to insulin resistance, making it harder for the body to absorb and use insulin effectively.

When someone quits smoking inflammation begins to heal, and the cells in the body start to function better. This can enrich insulin sensitivity and help in its absorption and use more effectively. In addition, quitting smoking and diabetes improvement can increase blood flow and reduce oxidative stress, further improving insulin absorption and glucose metabolism.

Reducing the Risk of Complications

Smoking causes diabetes and increases the risk of complications associated with type 2 diabetes or madhumeh, such as heart disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, and eye problems. Quitting smoking diabetes can lessen the risk of it and improve your overall condition.

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Improving Circulation

Smoking can damage blood vessels and reduce blood flow, leading to poor circulation, particularly in the legs and feet. High smoking and diabetes levels can significantly increase infections like ulcers. Quitting smoking can help improve circulation, reduce the risk of these complications, and help you manage madhumeh with ease.

Enhancing Lung Function

Smoking can damage the lungs and reduce lung capacity, which can make it more challenging to engage in physical activity. This, in turn, can make it harder to manage type 2 diabetes or madhumeh. Quitting smoking causes diabetes levels to improve and also helps boost lung function, making it easier to engage in physical activity and manage type 2 diabetes.

Improving Overall Health

Quitting smoking will have a very positive influence on the overall health of your body. It will reduce the impact of diabetes and madhumeh on the body and improve your lifestyle. This can especially help people with type 2 diabetes or madhumeh manage their condition more effectively and prevent complications.

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Tips to Quit Smoking

Tips to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking and diabetes management are things that go hand in hand. But giving up smoking and your smoking skills is simpler said than done. Diabetes management is an easily guided process, but requires the right attitude, methods, and aid. And there is another big reason which is that smoking causes diabetes. So please take a look at a few tips that will aid to stop smoking:

Mentally Decide on a Quit Date

Select a specific date when you will cease smoking, tick it on your calendar and stick to it. This will provide you with an objective to act upon and prepare you mentally and let go of your smoking skills.

Recognize your Triggers

Recognize the situations, circumstances, and emotions that trigger the need to smoke. For instance, you are more likely to smoke in a stressful situation or when you’re hanging around other smokers. And always remember smoking and diabetes can’t go hand in hand.

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Develop Resistance Ability

Once you’ve recognised your triggers, deduce methods of resistance to help you avoid the urge. For example, if you tend to smoke when you’re stressed, find alternative ways to manage your stress, such as exercise, meditation, or deep breathing.

Buy Support

Having a conducive environment where your friends, family, and peers motivate you to quit smoking and diabetes management then, we believe it becomes much more manageable. Consider joining a quit-smoking program or reaching out to a smoking cessation counselor for additional help.

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Switch to Nicotine Replacers

Nicotine replacers help decrease the cravings for nicotine, which assist in quitting smoking. This comprises chewing gums or lozenges that deliver nicotine but are free of harmful substances found in cigarettes. You will be in a better position to give up smoking and diabetes management.

Keep Yourself Busy 

When you’re quitting smoking, it’s important to stay busy to avoid thinking about cigarettes. Discover new pleasures like hobbies, games, or activities that keep you engaged every day. Focus on the fact that smoking causes diabetes and madhumeh.

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Stay Positive

Quitting smoking and giving up your smoking skills can be difficult, and setbacks are common. Don’t punch yourself up if you drag up a cigarette. Instead, focus on the progress you’ve made and get back on track as soon as possible.

Always keep in mind smoking is a process, and so is stopping it, and it may take several tries before you win. Just be of strong will, remain motivated, and you will one day.

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Smoking and diabetes are a dangerous combination. If you are the one with diabetes, you must stop smoking quite soon. Not only will it improve your overall health and reduce your risk of complications, but it’ll also give you a better chance at living a longer, happier life. So what are you waiting for? Put down those cigarettes and take the first step towards a healthier future and breathe well-being!


Does Smoking affect HbA1C?

Yes, cigarette smoking has shown results in increasing HbA1C levels in diabetic patients and people having madhumeh. Therefore, smoking and diabetes patients should stay poles apart.

Is there Any Sugar in a Cigarette?

Yes, sugar is present in tobacco and can occupy up to 4% of its weight. Therefore, smoking and diabetes or madhumeh are co-related. However, the sugar content in a cigarette depends on the curing process of tobacco. For instance, common types of two curing processes are flue-curing & air curing. In flue-cured tobacco, more endogenous sugar is present than in air-cured tobacco.


How Many Cigarettes is OK to Smoke a day?

Smoking in itself is a hazardous activity, but smoking causes diabetes or madhumeh. A single cigarette can activate 372 genes in your throat lining and increase the chances of lung cancer drastically when compared to a non-smoker.


Can Quit Smoking Reverse Diabetes?

No, smoking and diabetes reversal are not directly related. But studies do suggest quitting smoking and leaving your smoking skills have some connection. Quitting smoking makes you witness a fall in your glycemic levels and sugar levels. Removal of nicotine increases insulin absorption.


How does Smoking affect Diabetes?

Smoking and diabetes are very closely related. Smokers are 40% to 50% more prone to having type 2 diabetes. Smoking causes diabetes as it makes our bodies resistant to insulin absorption, increasing blood glucose and making them dependent on external insulin.


Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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