Pulihora for Weight Loss and Diabetes Patients

Medically Reviewed By DR. RASHMI GR , MBBS, Diploma in Diabetes Management September 28, 2024

Pulihora, also known as tamarind rice, is a beloved South Indian dish. While traditionally high in carbs, it can be easily modified to suit weight loss goals and the dietary needs of diabetes patients. This blog will explore how to enjoy Pulihora while managing weight and blood sugar levels. Along with this, we’ll provide you with a recipe tailored to help you achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

What is Pulihora?

Pulihora, also known as tamarind rice, is a popular South Indian dish for its tangy and spicy flavor. The main ingredient is cooked rice mixed with tamarind paste, spices like mustard seeds, curry leaves, dry red chilies, and a tempering of urad dal (split black lentils) and peanuts. Traditionally, it’s prepared during festivals and special occasions. But its easy preparation has made it a common everyday meal in many households.

The sourness of tamarind, combined with the spices, gives Pulihora its unique taste. While the dish is typically made with white rice, healthier versions can substitute it with brown rice, quinoa, or millet. These alternatives make Pulihora a more nutritious option, especially for those concerned with maintaining a balanced diet. Despite its simple preparation, Pulihora is packed with flavors. Thus making it both a comforting and satisfying meal.

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Is Pulihora Good for Weight Loss?

Pulihora can be a great addition to a weight loss diet when prepared with some simple modifications. Traditionally, Pulihora is made with white rice, which is high in refined carbs. However, Pulihora can be transformed into a healthier dish by swapping white rice for lower-calorie, nutrient-dense grains.

These grains can be brown rice, quinoa, or millet. These grains have a lower GI value. Therefore, they release sugar more slowly into the blood. Thus, it promotes satiety and lessens cravings. Pulihora can be a great addition to a weight-loss-friendly diet when consumed mindfully. Here’s why it might be beneficial:

  • Low in Calories: Pulihora is light and typically low in calories, especially when made with minimal oil. Healthy fats like sesame or olive oil can further improve its nutritional profile.
  • High in Satiety: The combination of rice with peanuts and spices makes Pulihora filling, helping you stay full for longer and reducing the need for unhealthy snacking.
  • Balanced Ingredients: Tamarind and lemon offer antioxidants, and their tangy flavor can curb the desire for more calorie-dense dishes. Fibers from peanuts and added vegetables can further support weight loss by improving digestion.

Portion control is also key to incorporating Pulihora into a weight loss regimen. You increase the fiber content by controlling serving sizes and adding more veggies or legumes to the dish. Using healthy fats, such as olive or sesame, in moderation during the tempering process can also make a difference.

Incorporating a protein source, like lentils or a boiled egg on the side, can further improve the meal’s nutritional balance, supporting muscle retention and fat loss. With the right modifications, Pulihora can be both a flavorful and diet-friendly meal. Thus assisting you in reaching your weight loss objectives without compromising flavor.

Is Pulihora Good for Diabetes?

Yes, Pulihora can be made diabetes-friendly with a few simple adjustments. Here’s why Pulihora  with portion control and slight modifications could be beneficial for diabetes patients:

  • Low-Glycemic Additives: Pulihora is typically made with tamarind, lemon, curry leaves, and peanuts, all of which have a low glycemic index and help slow down the absorption of carbs from rice. The acidity of tamarind and lemon may help improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Portion Control: Since Pulihora is often served as a small side dish, it encourages portion control, which is essential for diabetes management.
  • Protein and Fiber: Adding peanuts or lentils to the dish adds protein and fiber, which help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Traditional Pulihora, when made with white rice, can abruptly spike your sugar levels due to its high glycemic index. However, substituting white rice with low-glycemic alternatives like brown rice, quinoa, or millet can make Pulihora more suitable for diabetic patients. According to the research published by the NIH, these grains have a slower impact on blood sugar. Thus helping to maintain stable glucose levels after meals.

Tamarind, a key ingredient in Pulihora, also offers some benefits for diabetes management. Tamarind is rich in fiber and antioxidants, which may help regulate blood sugar levels and lessens oxidative stress. According to NIH-published reports, tamarind has proven anti-hyperglycemic properties and helps regulate blood sugar. It has been traditionally used in various cultures for its potential to lower blood glucose.

Additionally, adding fiber-rich ingredients like lentils, peanuts, and vegetables can improve the dish’s overall nutritional profile. The fiber slows down digestion, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes. Limiting the amount of oil and using heart-healthy fats, like sesame oil. This is another way to ensure Pulihora remains a balanced option for diabetic patients.

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Healthy Pulihora Recipe for Weight Loss and Diabetes Patients

Healthy Pulihora Recipe for Weight Loss and Diabetes Patients

Pulihora should be made a healthier option for weight loss and diabetes management. Certain ingredient substitutions can significantly improve its nutritional profile. Below are some key modifications:

Low-Glycemic Grains

Replacing white rice with grains like brown rice, quinoa, or millets is a great way to reduce the glycemic load of Pulihora. These alternatives are rich in fiber and have a lower glycemic index. These helps in slowing down the release rate of glucose into the blood. Brown rice retains its bran layer. Thus making it more nutrient-dense compared to polished white rice. While quinoa and millets are gluten-free and rich in essential amino acids.

Healthy Fats

Instead of using regular cooking oils, opt for heart-healthy fats like olive oil or sesame oil. Both oils contain unsaturated fats. This type of fat is beneficial for heart health, especially for people with diabetes. Sesame oil, in particular, is commonly used in Indian cooking and adds a unique nutty flavor to the dish.

Fiber-Rich Additions

Incorporating lentils, chickpeas, or additional vegetables like carrots, peas, and bell peppers can increase Pulihora’s fiber content.

Spices for Health

The traditional spices used in Pulihora, such as turmeric, mustard seeds, and curry leaves, offer more than just flavor. Turmeric contains curcumin. According to the American Diabetes Association, curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. Mustard seeds and curry leaves are also rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients that support overall health.

Nuts and Seeds

Adding peanuts or cashews not only provides a satisfying crunch but also adds healthy fats and protein. These nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which can help manage cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

By incorporating these healthier ingredients, you can transform Pulihora into a nutrient-rich meal that supports both weight loss and stable blood sugar levels, while still retaining its authentic flavors.

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Recipe for a Diabetes-Friendly and Weight Loss Pulihora

Creating a diabetes-friendly and weight-loss Pulihora requires mindful ingredient choices and preparation techniques. Below is a step-by-step guide to making a healthier version of this beloved dish, packed with fiber, healthy fats, and low-glycemic grains.


  • 1 cup of brown rice (or quinoa/millets) – Use these low-glycemic alternatives to white rice.
  • 2 tablespoons: sesame oil – For healthy fats.
  • 1 tablespoon of tamarind paste – The key ingredient for that tangy flavor.
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds – Adds flavor and health benefits.
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds – Helps improve digestion.
  • 10-12 curry leaves – Rich in antioxidants.
  • 2 dry red chilies – Adds a mild spicy kick and can be adjusted based on preference.
  • 1 tablespoon of split black lentils (urad dal) – Provides a protein boost.
  • 1 tablespoon of chana dal (split chickpeas) – Another source of fiber and protein.
  • 1/4 cup of peanuts – Adds crunch and healthy fats.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder – Known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Optional: Vegetables like carrots, peas, and bell peppers – For added fiber and nutrients.


  1. Cook the Grains

Cook 1 portion of brown rice (or quinoa/millets) in 2 cups of water until tender. Let it cool.

  1. Prepare Tamarind Paste

Soak 1 tablespoon of tamarind paste in warm water and set aside.

  1. Temper the Spices

Heat 2 tablespoons of sesame or olive oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, and dry red chilies, sautéing until aromatic.

  1. Add Lentils and Peanuts

Add urad dal, chana dal, and peanuts. Stir-fry until golden brown.

  1. Add Turmeric and Tamarind

Stir in turmeric and tamarind paste, cooking for a few minutes until well combined. Add optional veggies if using.

  1. Mix with Rice

Add the cooked grains and mix everything gently. Cook for 2-3 minutes to blend flavors.

  1. Adjust and Serve

Adjust salt, serve warm, and enjoy!

By following this recipe, you can enjoy the flavors of traditional Pulihora while staying mindful of your health goals!

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FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Pulihora good for weight loss?

Yes, Pulihora can be beneficial for weight loss when made with healthier ingredients. By substituting white rice with brown rice, quinoa, or millets and controlling portion sizes, you can create a low-calorie, nutrient-dense meal. Adding fiber-rich vegetables and proteins further enhances satiety, helping to curb cravings while providing essential nutrients.

Can diabetics eat Pulihora?

Absolutely! Pulihora can be made diabetes-friendly by using low-glycemic grains. These include brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice. Tamarind, a key ingredient, may help regulate blood sugar levels. Incorporating fiber-rich ingredients like lentils and vegetables will aid in maintaining stable glucose levels, making Pulihora a delicious option for diabetic patients.

What are the health benefits of tamarind in Pulihora?

Antioxidants and fiber from tamarinds can help with digestion and blood sugar regulation. It can improve general health because of its anti-inflammatory qualities. Tamarind contributes to Pulihora’s distinctively tart flavor and has nutritional advantages that match well with a healthy diet, particularly for people with diabetes or controlling their weight.

How can I make Pulihora healthier?

To make Pulihora healthier, use whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, or millets instead of white rice. Incorporate more vegetables and legumes for added fiber and nutrients, and use heart-healthy oils like olive or sesame oil. Reducing the amount of tamarind and controlling portion sizes will also help make this dish more diet-friendly while preserving its delicious flavor.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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