10 Low Glycemic Fruits for Diabetics

Medically Reviewed By Dt. SEEMA GOEL (Senior Dietitian) November 10, 2023

Living with diabetes is something that no one ever anticipates, and yet, it’s a path many people have to navigate with unwavering determination. For those who also happen to be food enthusiasts, this journey takes on an added layer of complexity. The constant tug-of-war between their love for food and the need to maintain effective blood sugar management becomes a daily reality. 

How Can Fruits With Low Glycemic Index Help Manage Diabetes?

How Fruits That Have a Low Glycemic Index Can Help?

The relationship between diabetes and diet is a profound one. What individuals eat directly impacts their blood sugar levels, and for those with diabetes, this connection can be both a challenge and an opportunity. The role of diet in diabetes management is undeniable, and it is here that low glycemic index fruits come into the picture as a delicious and nutritious solution. 

Fruits are often celebrated for their natural sweetness, vibrant flavours, and a spectrum of essential nutrients. However, their impact on blood sugar levels can be a concern, given their carbohydrate content. Low GI fruits are the key to satisfying sweet cravings without causing significant spikes in blood sugar levels. By incorporating fruits low in glycemic index into one’s diet, people with diabetes can enjoy the best of both worlds—delicious flavours and better blood sugar control. But it’s not just about taming the sweet tooth. It’s about fostering a balanced, healthy lifestyle that doesn’t require compromising on taste. Let’s understand how low glycemic index fruits for diabetics can be powerful allies in managing diabetes while savouring the vibrant flavours of life.

Understanding Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) is a fundamental concept in nutrition that provides a numerical value to different foods based on their impact on blood sugar levels. This system offers valuable insights into how quickly specific foods cause blood sugar to rise after consumption. 

The GI scale assigns foods a number, typically ranging from 0 to 100, with pure glucose having the highest GI value of 100. According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, foods with a high GI score are rapidly digested and absorbed, causing a swift and significant spike in blood sugar levels. In contrast, foods with a low GI score are absorbed more slowly, resulting in a more gradual and sustained increase in blood sugar levels.

The importance of the GI lies in its ability to help individuals, particularly those with diabetes, manage their blood glucose levels effectively. By choosing foods with a lower GI, they can better control their blood sugar fluctuations and reduce the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

GI is not limited to assisting those with diabetes. It has gained popularity among athletes and people interested in weight management. Foods with a low GI are often recommended for sustained energy during endurance activities, as they provide a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream, promoting endurance and minimising energy crashes.

Understanding the GI can be particularly beneficial when planning meals or snacks. By incorporating low glycemic index foods, and fruits, you can enjoy more stable energy levels and improved satiety. This not only helps manage blood sugar but also supports overall health and wellness.

Read More: 16 Best Fruits Juice For Diabetes.

The Process of Carbohydrate Breakdown

Carbohydrates are the primary macronutrients that influence the GI of a food. They come in different forms: sugars, starches, and fibre. When you consume carbohydrates, your body begins breaking them down, with sugars and starches turning into glucose, which is used by your cells for energy. 

Once food reaches the small intestine, the pancreas releases some enzymes to break down carbohydrates into glucose, fructose, and galactose – the three primary sugars absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose is the primary sugar of interest when it comes to the GI. Once broken down, glucose is readily absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine. This absorption is a key moment in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Simple sugars like glucose lead to a more rapid spike in blood sugar, while more complex carbohydrates, which take longer to break down, result in a slower and steadier release of glucose.

According to Better Health Channel, the glycemic index of a food is closely related to how quickly the carbohydrates it contains are broken down into glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream. Foods with simple sugars and refined starches tend to have a higher GI because they cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. In contrast, foods with complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre typically have a lower GI because they lead to a more gradual and sustained release of glucose.

Understanding this intricate process of carbohydrate breakdown provides insight into why the GI matters. It shows you how the type and form of carbohydrates you consume can have a direct impact on your blood sugar levels and overall health, making it a valuable consideration in dietary choices, particularly for people managing conditions like diabetes.

The Role of Insulin and Glucagon

Insulin helps transport glucose from your blood into your cells, ensuring they receive the energy they need. On the other hand, glucagon aids in releasing stored glucose from your liver when blood sugar levels drop. This intricate process keeps your body fueled and balanced.

Factors Influencing the GI

Various factors can affect a food’s GI. The type of sugar it contains, the structure of starch, and how carbs are processed all play a role in determining a food’s GI. Additionally, adding protein or healthy fats to a meal can lower the overall GI.

What Is a Low-Glycemic Diet?

A low-glycemic diet focuses on consuming foods with a GI value of approximately 1 to 55. While it may sound challenging, even small changes can have a significant impact. Understanding the GI is essential, but it’s also vital to consider the glycemic load (GL), which indicates how much a particular food affects your blood glucose levels.

Based on the findings of Mayo Clinic, a low-GI diet can help maintain a healthy weight, control blood glucose levels more efficiently, lower cholesterol, and improve appetite control. By choosing low-GI foods, you can better manage your weight, keeping it within a healthy range. Additionally, this dietary approach helps stabilise blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of spikes and crashes. Lower cholesterol levels and improved appetite control are added advantages of adopting a low-GI diet.

Read More: What are the Glycemic Index and ways to calculate the Gi Value of Food Items?

Top 10 Low GI Fruits for Diabetes Management

Low Glycemic Fruits Chart , Best low glycemic fruits , fruits for diabetes

Given below is a low GI fruits list for your diabetes-friendly diet:

1. Strawberries (GI: 41)

Strawberries are a delicious and healthy choice, with a relatively low GI of 41. They are brimming with dietary fibre, which can help stabilise blood sugar levels. Fibre slows down the absorption of glucose, preventing rapid spikes. As per the National Library of Medicine, strawberries can be used in various ways to treat diabetes. These vibrant berries are also a fantastic source of vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and can assist in reducing inflammation, a common concern for those with diabetes. The natural sweetness of strawberries can satisfy sugar cravings without causing a significant impact on blood sugar levels. This makes them a much healthier alternative to sugary snacks and desserts.

2. Plums (GI: 40)

Plums, with a GI of 40, are a nutritious fruit that individuals with diabetes can include in their diet. They offer a variety of essential nutrients, including potassium, copper, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and K. These nutrients contribute to overall health and well-being. Plums are a good source of dietary fibre, which helps slow the absorption of sugar, preventing sudden spikes. As per the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of plums contain about 1.4 g of dietary fiber. The vitamins and minerals in plums can support immune function and bone health, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

3. Pears (GI: 38)

Pears, with a low GI of 38, are another fruit that can be a part of a diabetes-friendly diet. As published by the NLM, pears can provide over 20% of your recommended daily intake of fibre. This high fibre content assists in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and promotes feelings of fullness. Their versatility makes them a pleasant addition to meals and they can be sliced into salads, or incorporated into desserts like baked pears with cinnamon. 

4. Peaches (GI: 42)

Peaches, with a GI of 42, are not only delicious but also nutritious. They are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins C and A. These vitamins contribute to overall health and have antioxidant properties, which are particularly valuable for those with diabetes. They also provide minerals like iron and potassium, which play crucial roles in maintaining bodily functions and supporting overall well-being.

Cautions: While fresh peaches are a healthy choice, it’s essential to be cautious with canned peaches, as they may contain added sugars that can raise the GI. Opt for fresh or frozen peaches always.

5. Oranges (GI: 40)

Oranges, with a GI of 40, are renowned for their high vitamin C content, which is not only beneficial for overall health but can specifically support individuals with diabetes. It helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. For people with diabetes, managing these factors is important to prevent complications. Based on the research by NLM, Oranges are also rich in dietary fibre and various antioxidants, which can contribute to stable blood sugar levels and overall well-being.

6. Grapes (GI: 53)

Grapes, with a GI of 53, are a fruit that can be included in a diabetes-conscious diet. The skin of grapes is particularly high in fibre, which helps slow down the absorption of glucose. This is why the GI of grapes, despite being high, may not cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. Grapes are also a source of vitamin B-6, which is crucial for brain function and mood stabilisation, an aspect often overlooked in diabetes management. While grapes can be included, it’s important to consume them in moderation, as excessive intake may lead to a higher glycemic load (GL) and affect blood sugar levels.

7. Grapefruit (GI: 22)

Grapefruits, with an impressively low GI of 22, have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making them an excellent choice for individuals with diabetes. Even as claimed by John Hopkins Medicine, the consumption of grapefruit is safe for people with diabetes. They are abundant in vitamin C, which is not only vital for immune health but also has antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammation.

8. Dried Apricots (GI: 35)

Dried apricots, with a GI of only 35, are a suitable choice when consumed in moderation. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, potassium, and iron, which are essential for overall health. It’s crucial to consume dried apricots in moderation due to their calorie density. Limiting portion sizes can help manage calorie and sugar intake.

9. Cherries (GI: 20)

Cherries, with an exceptionally low GI of 20 and a low glycemic load of 2.68 (GL), are an ideal choice for individuals with diabetes. As per Diabetes UK, cherries are low in fat, have low glycemic index and are a good source of fiber, vitamins an more.

They are loaded with antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are important factors in diabetes management. They contain immune-boosting vitamins like vitamin C and are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Cherries make for a great, low-GI snack that can help satisfy sweet cravings without causing significant blood sugar spikes.

10. Apples (GI: 39)

Apples are one of the most popular fruits, having a low glycemic index of 39. They are known for their high fibre content, which helps stabilise blood sugar levels. The fibre provides a feeling of fullness, making them a satisfying and healthy snack. Apples can be enjoyed in various forms, from fresh slices to apple sauces or even baked apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon. The fibre in apples is particularly beneficial for gut health, an aspect that is increasingly recognized as important for overall well-being.

Incorporating these low glycemic index fruits for diabetics into a balanced and well-planned diet can provide one with essential nutrients, while helping manage blood sugar levels more effectively. 

11. Prunes (GI: 29)

Prunes are a smart choice for blood sugar management. With a moderate glycemic index, they offer a satisfyingly sweet option without causing rapid spikes. Packed with fiber, prunes aid digestion and help regulate glucose absorption. Rich in antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin K, they contribute to overall health. Enjoy prunes on their own or add them to dishes for a tasty, diabetes-friendly snack.

12. Avocado (GI: 40)

Avocado, a nutritional powerhouse, boasts a low glycemic index, making it an excellent choice for those mindful of blood sugar levels. With a GI below 40, avocados offer healthy fats, fiber, and essential nutrients. The monounsaturated fats in avocados support heart health and help control blood sugar. As per the findings of diabetes.co.uk, including avocados in the diet can help diabetics reduce their weight.

Rich in potassium, they aid in blood pressure regulation, contributing to overall well-being. Avocados make a versatile addition to meals, adding a creamy texture and a nutrient boost. Whether sliced on toast or blended into a smoothie, avocados are a delicious and diabetes-friendly choice for those seeking a balance of flavor and nutrition.

13. Guava (GI: 12-24)

Guava, with its low glycemic index and high-fiber content, is a superb choice for maintaining stable blood sugar levels. With a GI of about 12-24, guavas provide a sweet indulgence without causing rapid spikes in glucose. Packed with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, guavas support immune health and digestion. The soluble fiber aids in slowing down sugar absorption, making it an ideal fruit for diabetes management. Enjoy guavas sliced in salads, or blended into smoothies for a refreshing and nutritious treat. This tropical fruit not only tantalises the taste buds but also aligns seamlessly with a balanced and diabetes-conscious diet.

14. Tamarind (GI: 23)

Tamarind, with its unique sweet and tangy flavour, offers a diabetes-friendly alternative. With a moderate glycemic index, it minimally affects blood sugar levels. Rich in fiber, tamarind aids digestion and helps regulate glucose absorption. It also contains polyphenols with potential anti-diabetic properties. Incorporate tamarind into savoury dishes or use it as a natural flavour enhancer in sauces and chutneys. This tropical fruit not only adds a distinctive taste to meals but also aligns with a balanced diet for those mindful of their blood sugar.

Read More: Is Cranberry Juice Good for Diabetics?

Low Glycemic Fruits Chart

Fruit Glycemic Index (GI)
Strawberries 41
Plums 40
Pears 38
Peaches 42
Oranges 40
Grapes 53
Grapefruit 25
Dried Apricots 32
Cherries 20
Apples 39
Prunes 29
Avocado 40
Guvava 12-24
Tamarind 23

Portion Control and Glycemic Load

While the GI of fruits is an important consideration, it’s essential to factor in portion control and the concept of glycemic load (GL). The GL takes into account both the GI of a food and the portion size you consume. A low-GI food in excessive quantities can still impact blood sugar.

Monitoring portion sizes is important to ensure that the overall GL of your meals remains within a range that supports blood sugar control. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalised guidance on portion control and meal planning.

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Balancing diabetes and a love for food is possible with a low-GI diet. By choosing low-GI fruits like the ones mentioned above, you can enjoy delicious and satisfying options while keeping your blood sugar in check. Remember to actively monitor your blood glucose levels and prioritise healthy, low-GI foods for long-term well-being. Enjoy the natural sweetness of these fruits and take a step toward a healthier, more vibrant life while managing your diabetes.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Which fruits fall in the category of low glycemic load fruits?

Some low-GL fruits include cherries, grapefruit, apricots, prunes, peaches, plums, strawberries, kiwi, guava, and raspberries.

Which fruits have a low glycemic index and are suitable for weight loss?

Some low-glycemic fruits for weight loss are cherries, grapefruit, dried apricots, pears, plums, and strawberries. With their low glycemic index, they help regulate blood sugar and support weight loss goals.

What are the benefits of low glycemic index of fruits?

The low glycemic index of fruits offers various benefits, including better blood sugar control, sustained energy levels, appetite regulation, improved heart health, and enhanced satiety. They are a wise choice for individuals seeking stable energy and overall well-being.


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