Is Coconut Water Good For Sugar Patients? Does It Increases Blood Sugar

Medically Reviewed By DR. DAMANJIT DUGGAL, MBBS, MD November 7, 2023

Last updated on October 21st, 2023

Coconut water is also known as “nature’s sports drink”. It is gaining acceptance as a rapid source of hydration, glucose, and electrolytes. Coconut water is a thin, sweet liquid that comes from the extracts of young, green coconuts. Coconut meat contains a high amount of fat, while coconut water mainly contains carbohydrates. A lot of companies include components such as sugar, flavors, or other fruit juices to it. So, many people with diabetes might wonder whether coconut water affects their glucose levels.

Coconut water is an elixir that people can have anytime, anywhere. This drink is fresh, clean and free of preservatives and artificial sweeteners. The use of this drink offers numerous health benefits. Coconut water restores electrolyte balance prior to and following workouts. It contains two major salts, namely, sodium and potassium. Also, coconut water comprises vitamins and minerals. These may include iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and vital amino acids. It is beneficial for a person’s overall health. Thus, coconut water is an excellent drink for diabetic patients. In this article, let’s know how coconut water can be a good beverage for a diabetic individual.

Are You Aware of the Sugar Content in Coconut Water?

The naturally existing sugars in coconut water are responsible for its sweet flavor. Most packaged coconut water has a high sugar level, which is not always because sugar has been added to it. It can include up to 15g of sugar per 330ml carton and is sometimes merely a highly concentrated type of coconut water. It is equivalent to about 4 tablespoons of sugar. Hence, always look for products that have less than 2g of sugar per 100ml. Moreover, you can always limit your intake to 1–2 cups.


Tender coconut water is high in vitamins and minerals while being low in sugar. You should, however, avoid sugar-sweetened coconut water, which might increase your calorie intake and blood sugar levels. According to animal research, consuming mature coconut water may reduce blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels. Furthermore, it is delicious and natural. So, if you’re seeking a delightful beverage that doesn’t harm your blood sugar levels, you will be recommended to have coconut water.

Is Coconut Water Good for Diabetics?

There is minimal research on coconut water and its benefits for diabetics. In a few animal studies, there is good glucose control seen with coconut water intake. In one study, rats were given injections of a diabetes-inducing medicine named Alloxan. They were fed mature coconut water for a period of 45 days. It was found that animals for coconut water had considerable improvements in HbA1c, blood glucose levels, and oxidative stress than the control group.

These outcomes were credited to the high manganese, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and L-arginine content of coconut water. These all assisted in improving insulin sensitivity. Many studies made use of mature coconut water. Mature coconut water contains a greater amount of fat than coconut water from young coconuts. As a result, it’s indefinite whether regular coconut water might exert similar effects. The unsweetened form of coconut water is a source of natural sugars. It is a much healthier option in comparison to other sugar-sweetened drinks. And, also unsweetened coconut water exerts a lower effect on glucose levels. However, try to limit the consumption to one to two cups (240 to 480 ml) daily.


Intake of mature coconut water might reduce blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C levels. People must opt for unsweetened coconut water. And, they must restrict their consumption to one to two cups (240 to 480 ml) daily.

Nutritional Value of Coconut Water

Coconut water contains a variety of nutrients that help in blood sugar regulation and provide other health benefits, too. Here’s a reference table that highlights the nutritional content of coconut water:

Nutrients Amount
Energy 37 kcal
Protein 0 g
Fat 0.17 g
Carbohydrates 9.15 g
Fiber 0 g
Sugar 7.46 g
Calcium 20 mg
Iron 0.12 mg
Sodium 34 mg

Coconut Water and Diabetes

Here are ways how coconut water manages blood glucose levels and helps diabetic people:

Comprises Vital Nutrients

Vital Nutrients in coconut water

Coconut water comprises a range of vitamins and minerals. They help to replenish electrolytes in the body. Coconut water contains:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Fiber content
  • Iron
  • Sodium
  • Calcium.

These constituents aid in maintaining a balance in blood glucose levels.

Coconut Water has a Low Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) of tender coconut water is low. Also, it comprises slight natural sugar, hence it would not spike a person’s glucose levels.

Improves Metabolism Rate

Coconut water is an excellent option when it comes to improving the rate of metabolism. Coconut water:

  • Promotes satiety
  • Keeps appetite under control
  • Eases digestion

Improved metabolism aids a person’s body inefficiently digesting food. Coconut water is a superb option for increasing the metabolism rate. The greatest characteristic is that it contains a moderately low-carb composition. It provides a feeling of fullness, which keeps a person’s hunger controlled and helps indigestion. Coconut water contains a smaller number of calories. Also, it is mild on the stomach. It contains a rich number of bioactive enzymes. These enzymes help in digestion and enhance the rate of metabolism. Fat breaks down easily because of a greater metabolic rate in the body.

Improves Blood Circulation

Poor blood circulation occurs commonly in people with diabetes. It may give rise to eyesight problems, renal failure, and muscular cramps. Coconut water helps in improving blood circulation. Also, it normalizes the flow of blood in the body.

Fibre-rich source

Coconut water contains rich dietary fiber. Also, it carries various amino acids, which help in blood glucose control. Fiber helps digest glucose in the body and improves the health of diabetic people.

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Aids in Weight Loss

Obesity may result in problems with blood glucose levels. In addition, diabetic people often get unusual weight gain. Yet, coconut water has a low number of calories and high bio-enzymes. This proves to help with the process of digestion. Consumption of coconut water daily aids in lowering the intake number of calories.


Coconut water packs certain nutrients and minerals. It has a low glycemic index. Besides, it is pleasant in taste and totally natural! Because of all these reasons, it is advisable for individuals with diabetes. Yet, a person requires a selection of an unsweetened range of coconut water. Also, a person must restrict their intake to only one to two cups daily to aid in diabetes. Beyond this range, it may prove to be unhealthy for the person.

Ways to Have Coconut Water

  • Consume coconut water by squeezing some lemonade. And, get a citrus spurt.
  • Coconut water in combination with chia seeds makes it an energizing beverage for diabetics.
  • Consume plain, tender coconut water in an empty stomach for people with diabetes.

Best Time to Have Coconut Water

The best time to have coconut water is in the morning. The lauric acid present in coconut water aids in:

  • Strengthening the metabolism
  • Improving a person’s immunity
  • Helping in weight loss.

Diabetics must adhere to one glass of coconut water on a daily basis as per the doctor’s guidelines.

Risks of Over Consumption of Coconut Water

Risks of Over Consumption of Coconut Water

Coconut water is clean, sterile, and an important electrolyte. This makes it one of the most ideal drinks to deal with the problem of dehydration. Yet, too much intake of coconut water does have various risks and drawbacks.

  • It is high in potassium. Nearly eight ounces (226 g) of coconut water contains 600 mg of potassium. This is a natural diuretic assisting kidneys to remove water. Excessive potassium might make a person’s kidney function harder in removing excess water.
  • Coconut water is not packed with glucose, and also has its natural sugar. Also, intake of this in excess might enhance the sugar level quickly.
  • Coconut water reduces blood pressure. As a result, pregnant females and individuals with low blood pressure must avoid too much intake.

Thus, in case of any doubts, is tender coconut good for diabetes, or is unsweetened coconut milk good for people with diabetes? Discuss with a healthcare provider before taking it.


Coconut water is a nutrient-dense and hydrating drink. It’s high in vitamins and minerals while being a reasonable source of glucose. On the other hand, he or she must avoid sugar-sweetened coconut water. This might ramp up calorie consumption and blood glucose levels. If a person has diabetes and wishes to try coconut water, make sure to opt for an unsweetened range. Also, restrict the intake to 240–280 ml per day.


Is coconut water good for type 2 diabetics?

The magnesium content of coconut water improves insulin sensitivity. Also, it helps in reducing the blood glucose levels for type 2 diabetics.

Does coconut water enhance blood glucose in people with diabetes?

No, coconut water does not enhance the glucose levels. Coconut water has a GI score of 54. This signifies that it aids to reduce the glucose levels in diabetics.

Can Type 1 Diabetics have coconut water?

Yes, regular moderate intake of coconut water helps in managing the glucose levels in diabetes patients.

Is coconut water good for pregnant females?

Coconut water has a low number of carbs. It aids to regulate the blood glucose levels. Pregnant females having gestational diabetes might consume coconut water as per gynecologist’s advice.

 Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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