HbA1c Test Chart (Hemoglobin A1c): Check HbA1c Normal Range, Levels, Meaning & Full Form

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Damanjit Duggal, MD, MBBS April 20, 2022

Last updated on November 3rd, 2023

What Is HbA1c?

HbA1c full form is hemoglobin A1c or glycosylated hemoglobin. It is a form of hemoglobin that contains sugar. Hemoglobin is a kind of molecule that is present in red blood cells and helps in carrying oxygen to the body’s tissue. Read this blog to know what the hba1c test means, the normal range of the HbA1c chart in detail with cost, and how 1000s of people have achieved normal HbA1c levels through the Diabetes Reversal Method. Diabetics have a higher amount of glycosylated hemoglobin levels, unlike non-diabetics. Thus, to meet a controlled level of blood sugar, it is better to do HbA1c tests.

What is HbA1c or A1c Test Used To Diagnose?

what is hba1c or a1c test used to diagnose The HbA1c test, meaning the A1c test, is a crucial tool in diagnosing and managing various forms of diabetes, including type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes. It measures the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood with glucose attached to it, reflecting the average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. Let’s learn what is HbA1c test used for.

Diagnosing Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes

The test of HbA1c levels is commonly used to diagnose type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. According to the Medline Plus website, for type 2 diabetes, an HbA1c level of 6.5% or higher indicates diabetes. For prediabetes, an HbA1c level between 5.7% and 6.4% is considered indicative of higher-than-normal blood sugar levels, warning of potential progression to type 2 diabetes. Early detection of prediabetes allows healthcare providers to implement lifestyle changes and preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Monitoring Diabetes Management

For individuals already diagnosed with diabetes, the A1c diagnosis is used for monitoring their blood sugar control over time. The test is typically performed every 3 to 6 months, and the results help healthcare providers assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan and make adjustments if necessary.

Assessing Risk for Complications

The HbA1c test means not just measuring the blood sugar levels, but also assessing the complications. Checking High HbA1c levels over an extended period is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes-related complications, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and nerve damage. Regular monitoring of A1c levels can help identify individuals at higher risk and prompt appropriate interventions to minimize complications.

Type 1 Diabetes Management

If we look at the HbA1c definition, it is commonly used for monitoring and managing type 2 diabetes. It is also used in individuals with type 1 diabetes. For people with type 1 diabetes, the test helps healthcare providers assess how well insulin therapy and other treatments control blood sugar levels over time. Maintaining the A1c within the target range is crucial for reducing the risk of long-term complications associated with diabetes.

Read More: What Is Type 2 Diabetes Management?

Gestational Diabetes

During pregnancy, some women develop gestational diabetes, a temporary form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and typically resolves after childbirth. The test for A1c  is generally not used for diagnosing gestational diabetes, but it may be used to assess the woman’s blood sugar control if she had diabetes before pregnancy or to monitor her diabetes management during pregnancy.

In summary, the test for A1c  plays a vital role in diagnosing diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes, as well as in monitoring and managing these conditions. It offers valuable insights into a person’s average blood sugar levels, helping healthcare providers make informed decisions about treatment plans and preventive measures.

Need to Monitor HbA1c Level

Blood Glucose levels can fluctuate every minute depending on your activity and the food you eat. Therefore, it is important to regularly monitor your blood glucose or sugar levels as it helps in understanding how your blood glucose levels are changing and how your meals are affecting them. Generally, urine tests and daily prick methods were used to measure sugar levels in people with high blood sugar levels. Although these tests are somewhat accurate, they can sometimes produce inaccurate reports. The HbA1c test helps measure average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months. People with diabetes are required to get this sugar test HbA1c done regularly so that they can keep a check on their blood sugar levels. This ultimately helps in diabetes management. Improving lifestyle also can helps maintain a healthy and hba1c normal range for life.

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How Often is Sugar Test HbA1c Required?

when hba1c test is required

As per the ADA guidelines, diabetes screening is recommended in people older than 45 years (every 3 years). Also, it is fine to perform screening at any age in case a person has any of the following risk factors. Factors like being obese or physically inactive, having close relative suffering from diabetes, having diabetes during pregnancy (referred to as gestational diabetes), having symptoms of insulin resistance or conditions related to insulin resistance like hypertension, low good cholesterol, high triglycerides, as well as polycystic ovary syndrome Patients having diabetes with stable blood sugar levels must go for a sugar test hba1c roughly twice a year. Your doctor might recommend quarterly monitoring (every 3 months) in case of:

  • A recent diagnosis of diabetes
  • Pregnancy-related diabetes
  • Altering HbA1c levels
  • Modifications in treatment or insulin dose
  • A history of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)

HbA1c Test Preparation

hba1c test preparation The HbA1c test provides valuable information about a person’s average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. To ensure accurate results, here are some basic preparations recommended before getting an HbA1c test:

No Fasting Required

Unlike other blood tests used to diagnose diabetes or assess fasting blood sugar levels, the HbA1c test does not require fasting. You can have the test at any time of the day, and there’s no need to skip meals before the test.

Continue Normal Diet and Activity

There’s no need to change your diet or activity level before the HbA1c test. The test measures the average blood sugar levels over several weeks, so your normal daily routine will be reflected in the results.

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Stay Hydrated

Make sure to drink enough water before the test, as dehydration can affect blood test results. However, avoid excessive water consumption just before the test, as it may lead to dilution of blood samples.

Avoid Alcohol Consumption

If possible, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before the test. Alcohol can temporarily affect blood sugar levels and may interfere with the accuracy of the HbA1c test.

Notify if You Are Pregnant

If you are pregnant or suspect that you might be pregnant, inform your healthcare provider before the test. Pregnancy can influence levels of HbA1c, and your healthcare provider may want to consider this when interpreting the results.

Follow Healthcare Provider’s Instructions

If your healthcare provider has given you specific instructions or guidelines regarding the HbA1c test, make sure to follow them closely to ensure accurate and reliable results. It’s essential to communicate openly with your healthcare provider about your medical history, medications, and any changes in your health before getting the HbA1c test. This information will help them interpret the results accurately and make informed decisions about your diabetes management or overall health.

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Factors Affecting HbA1c Normal Range

factors affecting hba1c normal range Several factors can affect the HbA1c normal range, causing it to vary from person to person. Some of the key factors influencing hemoglobin A1C levels include:

  • Blood Glucose Levels: Higher average blood glucose levels over time lead to higher A1c levels.
  • Diabetes Medications: Certain diabetes medications can influence levels of HbA1c, either increasing or decreasing them.
  • Insulin Resistance: Individuals with insulin resistance may have higher levels of A1C due to elevated blood sugar levels.
  • Diet and Nutrition: Unhealthy eating habits, excessive sugar intake, and imbalanced diets can impact levels of A1C.
  • Exercise and Physical Activity: Regular physical activity can help improve blood sugar control and lower levels of HbA1c.
  • Anemia: Certain types of anemia can affect HbA1c measurements, leading to inaccurate results.
  • Hemoglobin Variants: Some less common hemoglobin variants can interfere with HbA1c measurement accuracy.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy can cause temporary changes in HbA1c measurement due to alterations in blood volume and red blood cell turnover.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease: Reduced kidney function can influence the HbA1c range in some cases.
  • Blood Loss or Transfusions: Significant blood loss or blood transfusions can affect the HbA1c range.
  • Ethnicity: The A1c range may differ slightly among individuals from different ethnic backgrounds.

It’s essential to consider these factors when interpreting HbA1c results and to work closely with a healthcare provider to assess overall blood sugar control accurately and make appropriate management decisions. Many people have been able to regularize their Glycated Haemoglobin HbA1c Levels and live a healthy life after successful Diabetes Reversal with Breathe Well-being.

The Measure of Glucose in Glycosylated Haemoglobin

In the glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c test, the percentage of hemoglobin bound to glucose is measured. This test reflects the average concentration of blood glucose after three months. The glycosylated hemoglobin can be measured in percentage or units of mmol/mol, which is now a standard unit in which glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c is measured worldwide.

Know Your Normal Range of HbA1c With the Help of a Chart

hba1c normal range chart

With the help of the chart below, you can get an idea if you’re in the normal HbA1c range or not. Pay attention to the color keys in the chart to understand the severity of your condition.

HbA1c Normal Range for Non-Diabetic, Pre Diabetic & Diabetic Person

People can have different normal ranges of glycated hemoglobin hba1c. Here you can check out, with the help of the hba1c normal range chart, what should be the normal levels of glycosylated hemoglobin for individuals:

In Non-Diabetic People

The Cleveland Clinic says a healthy person can have an HbA1c normal value of less than 5.7% of the total hemoglobin. Below 5.7% is the hba1c normal value for a non-diabetic adult.

In a Pre-Diabetic Person

If your blood sugar levels are slightly higher than the normal range, then you’re prediabetic. According to the Cleveland Medical website, the prediabetes HbA1c range is between 5.7% and 6.4% (slightly above the normal levels).

In Diabetic People

For any person suffering from type-2 diabetes, according to the cleveland clinic website, your HbA1c normal value is 6.5% or above, or 48 mmol/mol or above. 


The A1C levels are different in non-diabetics, prediabetics, and diabetics and can be categorised into 3 categories, which are as follows:

A1C Category Hba1c Levels
Normal A1C Range in Adults Below 5.7%
Prediabetes A1C Range 5.7% – 6.4%
Diabetes A1C Range 6.5% and above

HbA1c Target Levels in Diabetics

A person’s target A1C level is set based on several factors. The right target differs from individual to individual. For any diabetic patient, the target A1C level might be based upon:

  • Age
  • Overall health
  • Pregnant or not
  • History of diabetes
  • Their recommended treatment plan
  • Any complications from diabetes
  • An individual’s treatment priorities

A healthcare provider may suggest a target of A1C levels under 6.5% If an individual:

  • Is young and has a long life expectancy
  • Has a history of diabetes over a short period
  • Is successfully managing his or her diabetes via lifestyle alterations or metformin alone

A healthcare provider may suggest a target of A1C levels of under 7.5 %. If a person:

  • Is older and has a shorter life expectancy
  • Has a history of diabetes over a longer period
  • Has other chronic medical problems
  • Suffering from diabetes, which is difficult to manage, even with multiple drugs
  • Has experienced diabetic complications
  • Has a history of serious hypoglycemia

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What Is Normal HbA1c By Age?

what is normal hba1c by age

what is normal hba1c by age

HbA1c, or Hemoglobin A1c, is a crucial indicator of blood glucose levels over a prolonged period. It is commonly used to monitor and diagnose diabetes. The HbA1c test measures the percentage of hemoglobin that is glycated or attached to glucose molecules. As glycated hemoglobin levels can vary with age, it is essential to understand what constitutes normal HbA1c for different age groups.

HbA1c Normal Range By Age:

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) provides general guidelines for HbA1c levels that are considered normal for different age groups:

  • Children (Ages 6-12): The recommended normal HbA1c for children is below 7.5%.
  • Teens (Ages 13-18): Adolescents are advised to maintain HbA1c levels below 7.0%.
  • Adults (Ages 19-44): For adults in this age range, normal HbA1c is considered up to 6.5%.
  • Adults (Ages 45-64): The HbA1c blood test normal range for this age group is around 7.0%.
  • Seniors (Ages 65 and older): The ADA recommends a slightly higher HbA1c target of around 7.5% for older adults.

HbA1c Normal Range Chart by Age

Age Group HbA1c Target Range
Children (6-12) Below 7.5%
Teens (13-18) Below 7.0%
Adults (19-44) Up to 6.5%
Adults (45-64) Around 7.0%
Seniors (65+) Around 7.5%

It’s important to note that individual circumstances may vary, and doctors might set personalized HbA1c range targets based on a patient’s overall health and medical history. The American Diabetes Association, the American Geriatrics Society, and the International Diabetes Federation have collectively revised their target HbA1c range for adults aged 65 and older, tailoring the targets based on the individual’s overall health. In some cases, they have raised the HbA1c range target to as high as 8.5 or even 9 for senior adults over 65 years.

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American Diabetes Association (ADA) Guidelines for Adults age 65 or older

Following are the normal a1c levels for seniors or older diabetics above 65 years of age, which have been provided in accordance with the ADA guidelines:

Health Status HbA1c
Healthy < 7.5%
Intermediate < 8.0%
Poor < 8.5%

American Geriatrics Society Guidelines for Adults ≥ 70 years:

As you age, the normal A1c level for you tends to be in the higher-than-normal range of younger adults. This is because as you age there are multiple factors like health conditions and medicines that tend to inflate your HbA1c levels. However, there is nothing to worry as said earlier the normal range for senior adults will be slightly higher. Therefore, we have provided you below with the a1c goals by age 70 and above.

Health Category HbA1c
Functionally Independent 7.0 – 7.5%
Functionally Dependent 7.0 – 8.0%
Frail/Dementia Up to 8.5%
End of Life Avoid Symptomatic Hyperglycemia

HbA1c Levels by Age:

As we age, our bodies may experience changes in glucose metabolism, which can influence HbA1c levels. Here’s a closer look at HbA1c levels by age:

Children and Teens

During childhood and adolescence, HbA1c levels tend to be naturally lower due to the rapid growth and development of the body. However, as teenagers undergo hormonal changes and lifestyle habits evolve, there can be fluctuations in HbA1c levels.

Young to Middle-Aged Adults

In general, younger adults usually have better glucose regulation, resulting in lower A1c levels. As they age, though, factors, like reduced physical activity, weight gain, and changes in metabolism can contribute to slight increases in HbA1c measurements.

Older Adults

Elderly individuals may experience age-related health issues, such as reduced kidney function, which can impact the HbA1c range. Additionally, older adults might be more susceptible to other medical conditions, and their HbA1c targets may be adjusted accordingly.

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The Importance of Monitoring HbA1c Levels by Age

Regularly monitoring HbA1c is critical, regardless of age, as it provides valuable insights into overall blood glucose control and helps in diabetes management. For individuals with diabetes, maintaining HbA1c levels within the target range can reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications and improve overall health and well-being.

Not All High Values of HbA1c Tests Mean you are Diabetic

If you get a high HbA1c level, it does not mean that you are suffering from high diabetes. Many people come with different types of hemoglobin, except type A. The condition is hemoglobinopathy. It states the high or low values of HbA1c. If you are anemic or struggling with iron deficiency in your body, then also you are likely to get the wrong values on the average of 3-month diabetes tests. Therefore, if you want an average of 3 months of blood glucose tests done, make sure you are not anemic. There are also some medications that can alter your results of glycosylated hemoglobin test levels. These include:

  • Supplements like Vitamin C or E, iron, vitamin B12, and folate
  • Erythropoietin therapy
  • Aspirin
  • Antiviral and antimicrobial medicines

If you are going for a glycosylated hemoglobin test, your doctor will make sure of the factors that can affect your test results.

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What is a Dangerous Level of A1C?

As explained above, A1C measures the average percentage value of the sugar-bound haemoglobin in your blood. A higher level of A1C depicts a high sugar presence in your blood. This calls for immediate treatment and getting in touch with your diabetologist. Another term that is closely related to A1C levels is estimated average glucose or eAG. According to the American Diabetes Association(ADA), eAG helps get precise info about your average sugar levels over a period of 3 months. It’s a top tool that greatly helps in diabetes management. Below is the table of A1C levels with eAG values in different individuals.

While determining the dangerous level of A1C there isn’t a single answer. There are a number of factors that help determine A1C levels. So what’s dangerous for one isn’t necessarily that dangerous for another. People with advanced stage of diabetes and older age will have recommended A1C levels higher than young adults. And individuals with the initial phase of diabetes. Below is the potential A1C target for different individuals.

A1C eAG Recommended levels for:
5.6% or lower  114 mg/dL or lower Non-diabetic adults
6.5%   140 mg/dL People in the initial stage of diabetes. Or who have diabetes at controlled levels. They’ll have a long life expectancy.
7% or lower  154 mg/dL or lower Adults with years of diabetes.
7.1% to 8% 157 to 183 mg/dL Patients with advanced and uncontrolled diabetes, along with other health complications and limited life expectancy.

What’s The difference between the HbA1c Test and the Finger Prick Test?

  HbA1c Test Finger Prick (Glucose) Test
Type of Test  Measures percentage of HbA1c in the blood to assess average blood sugar levels over 2-3 months Measures current blood glucose levels at the time of the test
Timeframe Assessed  Reflects average blood levels over the past 2-3 months Provides real-time blood glucose levels at the time of the test
Fasting Requirement   No fasting required Fasting may be required or recommended, depending on the purpose of the test
Frequency of Testing Typically done every 3-6 months depending on the patient’s diabetes management This can be done multiple times throughout the day, depending on the monitoring plan
Testing Procedure  Blood sample drawn from a vein (usually from the arm) using a needle and sent to a laboratory for analysis A small drop of blood was obtained by pricking the finger with a lancet and measured using a glucometer
Indications Used for diagnosing diabetes, monitoring long term sugar control, and assessing the risk of complications Used for immediate blood glucose assessment and managing diabetes daily
Results Interpretations  Reported as a percentage (%), with higher percentages indicating poorer sugar level control Reported as a numerical value in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), reflecting the current blood glucose level

What Causes High or Low Haemoglobin A1c Levels?

The level of hemoglobin A1c is largely dependent upon blood sugar levels. The higher the blood glucose (sugar) level, the higher the amount of hemoglobin A1c. The higher the value of HbA1c, the greater the risk of experiencing complications associated with diabetes. Somebody who has had unmanaged diabetes for a long time may have a level of more than 8%. Factors responsible for altering the levels of hemoglobin A1c include:

  • Oral or intravenous glucose consumption
  • Fasting
  • Insulin usage
  • Combinations of any of the above-stated factors

Individuals with ailments influencing hemoglobin, like anemia, might get ambiguous outcomes with this test. Other things that might influence the outcomes of the hemoglobin A1c involve supplements including vitamins C and E as well as high cholesterol levels. Kidney ailments and liver ailments are also seen to affect the test.

How Does A1C Work?

A1c testing depends upon hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is present in the person’s RBC and transfers oxygen all through the body. When glucose is in the blood, it sticks (glycates) to the hemoglobin. Higher amounts of glucose in the blood result in more sticking to the hemoglobin. The A1c test assesses the average sugar sticking to hemoglobin over time.

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What Are A1C And eAG, And What Are the Differences?

What are the Differences Between A1C and eAG

If a person is diabetic and tracks his or her blood sugar levels, then the physician may report A1C results as eAG. The reporting of eAG results occurs in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) or millimoles per liter (mmol/l) units. For instance, a 7% A1c level is equal to an eAG of 154 mg/dl or 8.6 mmol/l.

Hemoglobin A1c Conversion Chart (HbA1c chart)

Till now there is no specific guideline by concerned health organizations for using the hemoglobin A1c test as the tool to screen for diabetes. However, HbA1c values indicate that a person may have diabetes. The following chart shows the correlation between HbA1c levels and average blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that a 1% reduction in HbA1c glucose level reduces the risk of microvascular diseases by up to 10%. Thus, when you get closer to the HbA1c normal level, the absolute risk of microvascular diseases or complications also gets lower.

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Benefits of HbA1c Test Over Other Diabetes Tests

People choose HbA1c testing over other diabetes tests due to its many benefits. Some of the benefits include:

No Need for Preparations

For the HbA1c testing, there is no need for preparation in advance. A person can do this test at any time of the day. However, the other diabetes tests require fasting. For this test, a person has to fast for at least 5-6 hours. After the fasting test, there is another following-meal blood test. This helps in giving the levels of your blood sugar post-meal.

No Special Diet to Follow

An Oral Glucose Tolerance Test also diagnoses diabetes. There is a need to follow a special diet for 3 days before this test. Along with this, a person has to fast overnight before the test. Yet, while going for an HbA1c check, a person may eat or drink anything as per liking.

Convenient and Time-Saving

Within some hours, many blood tests are done. This helps to detect blood sugar levels in several other tests to diagnose or check sugar levels. Yet, HbA1c is a single blood test. A person even gets the HbA1c report within 24 hours of the test and the procedure is also easy.

Limitations of Measuring Value of Haemoglobin A1c

A Haemoglobin a1c blood test is not suitable if a person is highly diabetic. The blood sugar level does not affect the values of HbA1c. A person also cannot diagnose the presence or absence of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Besides, a person can get the false high value of HbA1c levels in conditions like:

  • Kidney failure
  • High intake of alcohol
  • Anemia
  • Thalassemia
  • Sickle cell disease

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What are the Advantages of Reducing HbA1c?

How To Reduce HbA1c Level

How To Reduce HbA1c Level

Some recent studies depicted that an improvement in HbA1c by 1% (or 11 mmol/mol) for individuals experiencing type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes reduces the risk of microvascular complications by 25%. Microvascular complications can be:

  • Neuropathy
  • Retinopathy
  • Diabetic nephropathy (renal disorder)
  • Studies have also found that individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes who lessen their HbA1c level by 1% are:
  • 19% less expected to experience cataracts
  • 16% less expected to experience heart failure
  • 43% less expected to experience amputation or death as a result of peripheral vascular disease

How To Reduce HbA1c Level?

Those who have higher levels of HbA1c can achieve an HbA1c test normal range through medications. Apart from this, there are some natural ways as well that can help you know how to reduce HbA1c. These include:

  1. Quit smoking to achieve the HbA1c test normal range.
  2. You should eat a balanced and healthy diet to maintain your immune system and hormonal balance.
  3. Exercising is another natural way to control the increased glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and it helps in losing weight and lowering blood sugar which ultimately results in enhancing insulin sensitivity.
  4. Adopt a healthy lifestyle to control your blood sugar levels and achieve HbA1c reduction.

You can easily crack ‘how to reduce HbA1c’ without disturbing your daily schedule like Ms. Dheeraj Sabharwal, who has been able to reduce her HbA1c level from 9.8 to 6.2 by switching to a healthy lifestyle with constant support and motivation Diet Coach, Fitness Coach the Diabetologist. She has successfully reversed diabetes while pursuing her teaching profession and also taking care of the family.

HbA1c Test Price At Some Well-Known Labs

HbA1c tests generally are easy on the pocket. Here are some well-known laboratories in India that provide the HbA1c test at the below-mentioned prices:

HbA1c Test Normal Range Chart
Laboratories In India Prices(INR)
Max Healthcare 450
Redcliffe Labs 299
Healthians 299
Apollo 350
Pathkind 450
Dr Lal Pathlabs 440
Thyrocare Technologies 300
Vijaya Diagnostics 510
House of Diagnostics 270
1MG 399
Pharmeasy 449

Note: The prices mentioned above are current and may vary depending on the area, city, additional test costs, etc.


In conclusion, understanding HbA1c levels is crucial for managing diabetes effectively. HbA1c, or hemoglobin A1c, is a valuable indicator of average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. It plays a significant role in diagnosing diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes and monitoring and managing these conditions. 

The test for HbA1c test eliminates the need for fasting, provides a comprehensive overview of blood sugar control, and helps healthcare providers make informed decisions about treatment plans and preventive measures.

Regular HbA1c testing is essential for individuals with diabetes to prevent complications and assess the effectiveness of treatment plans. The test’s convenience, accuracy, and ability to reflect long-term glucose control make it a valuable tool in diabetes management. HbA1c levels may vary based on age, health status, and other factors, making personalized targets necessary for optimal control.

Individuals should work closely with healthcare providers to interpret their HbA1c results and make necessary adjustments to lifestyle, diet, and medications.


What is a normal a1c level for a woman?

The normal A1c level will be the same for adults, whether a man or a woman. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), normal A1c for all adults (males and females) who have non-diabetics is below 5.7%. For prediabetic women, the normal A1c lies between 5.7% and 6.4%, and for diabetic women, the normal a1c level is above 6.5% and above. For prediabetic and diabetic women, it is advised to bring down their HbA1c as near to normal A1c levels for non-diabetics.

What happens when hba1c is high?

When HbA1c is high, it indicates prolonged elevated blood sugar levels. This can lead to complications in diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, nerve damage, eye problems, and a weakened immune system. High HbA1c requires prompt action, including lifestyle changes, medication adjustments, and regular monitoring, to prevent complications and improve overall health.

How to reduce hba1c in blood?

To reduce HbA1c levels, maintain a healthy diet with controlled carbohydrates, engage in regular physical activity, and take prescribed medications as directed. Monitor blood sugar regularly, manage stress, get sufficient sleep, limit alcohol, and quit smoking. Work closely with healthcare providers to develop a personalized plan for optimal blood sugar control.

How to control hba1c in diabetes?

Control HbA1c in diabetes through a balanced diet, regular exercise, medication adherence, and blood sugar monitoring. Manage stress, get enough sleep, limit alcohol, and quit smoking. Attend regular check-ups, educate yourself, and work closely with a healthcare team for personalized diabetes management and improved overall health.

What are the implications of elevated HbA1c in pregnancy?

Elevated HbA1c levels during pregnancy can have significant implications. It may indicate poor blood sugar control, increasing the risk of gestational diabetes complications for both the mother and the baby. Uncontrolled high blood sugar can lead to macrosomia (large baby), birth complications, preterm birth, and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Close monitoring and management are essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome.

What happens during an HbA1c test?

During an HbA1c test, a small blood sample is taken, usually from the arm, and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The test measures the percentage of hemoglobin with glucose attached, reflecting average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months. It helps diagnose diabetes and assess long-term blood sugar control.

What is a good A1C level for type 2 diabetes?

An A1c objective in the range of 7% to 8% is sensible and advantageous for many type 2 diabetics. Even if, if lifestyle modifications may get that number lower, then aim for it.

Is HbA1C 8.5 normal?

Last updated on November 2nd, 2023

No, an HbA1c of 8.5% means unhealthy levels and suggests you have diabetes. With this high range, we recommend you start your diabetes management immediately and get in touch with a diabetologist. An HbA1c level of 8.5% will increase diabetes-related complications in your body. However, older adults with other health ailments have a recommended HbA1c level a little higher than, i.e. between 7% and 8%. But 8.5% is still higher than this. Therefore, every effort should be made to bring it back into the safe range.

What are the symptoms of high HbA1C?

Signs of high HbA1C may include fatigue, urinating more often, weight loss, and irregular thirst.

Can HbA1C be high without diabetes?

As per research studies, 3.8% of non-diabetics have a raised A1C level (above 6.0). This class is perhaps found to have other risk factors for heart problems or type 2 diabetes.

Can I drink water before HbA1C test?

Yes, you can have water on empty stomach prior to a blood test. Actually, drinking enough water makes sure that you get precise test results. Dehydration may have an effect on blood tests like electrolyte, cholesterol, and BUN tests.

What is HbA1C test used for?

HbA1c test is another term for glycated hemoglobin test. It is useful for evaluating average blood glucose levels for previous three months. HbA1C is vital for every diabetic patient.

What is normal a1c levels for non diabetics?

The normal value of HbA1c blood test for non-diabetics is between 4% to 5.6%. i.e between 68 to 100 mg/dL

What does A1c stand for?

Last updated on August 10th, 2023

When the glucose binds to hemoglobin (Hb) it becomes Glycated hemoglobin HbA1c. A stands for adult and HbA1c is the most common type of hemoglobin present in blood that binds to glucose. Thus this test measures the amount of glucose binded to HbA1c.

What is hba1c glycated haemoglobin used for?

HbA1c test or Glycosylated hemoglobin test is a blood test carried out to find out whether you are diabetic or not. Glucose in our body binds to hemoglobin present in the blood. Thus, this blood test calculates the amount of glucose that binds to hemoglobin. Hemoglobin have a lifespan of 3 months. Thus, this test value gives the average amount of glucose present in the blood for past 3 months.

How does a1c test work?

HbA1C test works by measuring the amount of glucose that binds with the hemoglobin. A blood sample is drawn fromthe patient and the amount of binded hemoglobin and glucose is measured in percentage. If the values are less than 5.7 then the result outcome is normal.

What does the hba1c test indicate?

The Hemoglobin A1c blood test value measures the average amount of glucose present in the blood for the past 3 months. Thus, if the value is high it indicates prediabetics or diabetes.

Is fasting required for hba1c test?

The HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1c) is a very effective test for diabetes diagonsis. There is no need to fast before the test. You can eat and drink before getting tested.

What is hba1c in blood test?

HbA1c is known as glycosylated hemoglobin test.  This blood test is used to find out the average blood sugar levels for 3 months. It does by calculating the amount of glucose that binds to hemoglobin.

How much does hba1c test cost?

The HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1c) is a blood test carried out for diabetes diagonsis. It can cost from INR 300 to INR 800. Price varies from city to city and as per patient preference like sample collection from home.

What is full form of hba1c?

Last updated on August 13th, 2021

The term HbA1c refers to glycated haemoglobin. It develops when haemoglobin, a protein within red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body, joins with glucose in the blood, becoming ‘glycated’.

Can you check the gestational diabetes with HbA1c ?

No. Gestational diabetes cannot be diagnosed with an HbA1c blood test. An oral glucose tolerance test is used instead to check gestational diabetes.

Can HbA1c blood test be done at home?

Last updated on August 10th, 2023

A home test is ideally good for those who are known diabetics. You can get the test kit to monitor your glucose management over time. You must follow the HbA1c test procedure mentioned in the kit to get the test results.

How is glycosylated hemoglobin tested?

There is no need of fasting before the test unlike the blood glucose test. Glycosylated Hb test is a simple blood test. Blood samples can be taken by the doctor or pathologist.

A1c Chart, Test, Levels, & Normal Range

The individuals having the stable blood glucose level should have a Hemoglobin A1c test done in every six months. However, people with diabetes or those who are trying to have a control on their blood sugar level should get this test done every three months.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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5 Responses to “HbA1c Test Chart (Hemoglobin A1c): Check HbA1c Normal Range, Levels, Meaning & Full Form”
  1. Saurabh Gupta May 19, 2022
    • Dr. SURAJEET KUMAR PATRA ( MBBS, MD, FDIAB) May 24, 2022
  2. Rohit Singhal May 19, 2022
    • Dr. SURAJEET KUMAR PATRA ( MBBS, MD, FDIAB) May 20, 2022
  3. Bhavesh May 27, 2022

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