There’s a common misconception that people with diabetes should steer clear of all fruits due to their natural sugar content. But the truth is, not all fruits are created equal. In fact, many fruits for diabetic patients can be incredibly beneficial in managing blood sugar levels while providing essential nutrients that promote overall health. In this blog, we’ll explore a list of the best fruits for diabetes patients and share tips on how to incorporate them into a diabetic-friendly diet without compromising on taste or nutrition.

Fruits and Their Dietary Importance
Fruits are the best options available while you are hungry. Fruits are a rich source of carbohydrates, essential vitamins, minerals, and fibers for a healthy diet. Certain nutrients can only be found in fruits. Thus, fruits are essential for a balanced and healthy diet.
Fruits are nature’s powerhouse of essential nutrients, offering a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. For diabetic patients, fruits can be particularly beneficial because they provide dietary fiber, which plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels. Fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of sugar, leading to more stable blood sugar levels and reducing spikes that can be harmful to those with diabetes. Additionally, fruits are loaded with vitamins like vitamin C, which supports immune health, and potassium, which helps maintain heart health – a critical concern for diabetics who are at a higher risk of cardiovascular issues.
However, not all fruits have the same effect on blood sugar. People often ask which fruits are good for diabetes. This is where the concepts of the Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) come into play. The GI measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels, while the GL takes into account both the GI and the amount of carbohydrates in a standard serving. Choosing fruits with a low GI and GL is important for people with diabetes, as they release glucose more gradually into the bloodstream, leading to better blood sugar control. For example, berries, apples, and pears generally have a low GI, making them ideal for a diabetic diet.
Understanding which fruits have a low GI and GL can help diabetics enjoy the natural sweetness of fruits without worrying about sudden spikes in blood sugar. In the following section, we’ll explore specific fruits that are not only delicious but also proven to be beneficial for managing diabetes.
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Glycemic Index of Fruits For Diabetes Patients
If you are diabetic, the safest way of selecting good fruit is to use the glycemic Index (GI) or glycemic load (GL).
The Glycemic Index ranks food products on a scale of 1 to 100 based on how they raise blood sugar levels. Fruits with a high glycemic index are absorbed at faster rates than medium—or low-glycemic fruits.
Fruits | Glycemic Index or GI |
Apple | 35 |
Banana | 48 |
Strawberries | 25 |
Peaches | 40 |
Citrus Fruits | 30 |
Mango | 56 |
Pineapple | 66 |
Watermelon | 75 |
Grapes | 56 |
Lychee | 50 |
Black Plums | 35 |
Pomegranates | 35 |
Guava | 31 |
Cherries | 25 |
Pear | 30 |
Thus, fruits with a low glycemic index (GI value less than 50) are good for diabetic patients. On the other hand, glycemic load (GL) is the total glycemic index and carbohydrates consumed in one serving. It is the best way of assessing the food’s impact on blood sugar levels.
Fruits with Low Glycemic load (GL) (values less than or equal to 10) are good for diabetic patients. For example, Apples have a GL value of 6, and Bananas have a GL value of 10.
Fruits with low GI and GL values are good for diabetic patients.
Read more: Can diabetics eat pomegranate?
List of Fruits Good For Diabetes
Based on the combination of glycemic index and glycemic load, below are some of the best fruits for diabetes.
Apples are one of the fruits that are good for diabetes. As per the WebMD, apples are rich in vitamin C and fiber. They have 77 calories and 21 g of carbs. Apple skin contains polyphenol compounds. These compounds trigger the pancreas to produce insulin, helping decrease insulin resistance and thereby reducing blood sugar levels. The outer skin of apples also has antioxidant properties. Thus, apples are good for reducing the risks of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Apple is one of the best fruits for diabetes patients.
Bananas are among one of the suitable fruits for diabetes patient. According to the USDA, a medium-sized banana has 3 g of fiber, 27 g of carbs, and 105 calories. These are also rich in potassium and vitamin C. Bananas contain all the vital nutrients. It is, therefore, the best option for a balanced diet. However, as they are ripe, browner bananas tend to have more sugar content and thus can increase sugar levels. Thus, for diabetic patients, it is better to have a small to medium-sized banana. Being rich in potassium and vitamin C, Banana is one of the best fruits for diabetics.
The GI value for strawberries is 25, and the GL value is 3, which makes it a perfect choice for diabetic patients. Strawberries help in regulating blood sugar levels due to slower absorption rates. Strawberries have 11 g of carbs and 2g of fiber. As per the National Institutes of Health, rich Vitamin C helps improve immunity, increase body metabolism, and helps in reducing body weight. It also reduces ad cholesterol levels and thus reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases. Due to their low GI value, strawberries are one of the best fruits recommended for diabetic patients.
Peach is a diabetes-friendly fruit that contains metabolism-boosting potassium, vitamin A and C as well as fiber. One large peach has 70 calories and 2 g of fiber. The GI value is 42 and the GL value is making it the perfect fruit for diabetic patients. These enhance body metabolism, blood circulation and thus reduce the risk of heart diseases.
Citrus fruits
These are fruits that are rich in Vitamin C, folate, potassium, and vitamin K. Example: Grapes, Lemon, Oranges, Kiwi. Citrus fruit Vitamin C helps in reducing blood glucose levels. 1000 mg of daily vitamin C intake reduces blood glucose levels in type-2 diabetes patients. It is also a powerful antioxidant and thus helps in healing the cells damaged by free radicals. Such healing is necessary to reduce the risk and complications of type-2 diabetes.
According to the Current Research In Nutrition and Food Science Journal, the citrus fruit peel holds the highest concentration of natural antioxidants, including flavonoids, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and reducing sugars.
Black plums
Jamun is a miracle fruit for diabetes as it has a low glycemic index and is rich in soluble fibers. Black plum is considered among the top 5 best fruits for diabetics. It also helps to cure diabetic symptoms like excess urination and thirst as well as improve insulin sensitivity. 9 grams of plums have about 1.4 g of carbohydrates.
These are generally rich in sugar content but are a high source of antioxidants. These thus help reduce oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation, which is a vital process for increasing insulin sensitivity and thus helping control type-2 diabetes. Pomegranates reduce fasting blood glucose levels at a higher rate. These also help regulate blood flow and protect it from free radicals, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially in type-2 diabetic patients.
Guava is a highly nutritious fruit as it has high amounts of lycopene, dietary fiber, and rich in vitamin C, A, and potassium. Guava is counted among 5 best fruits for diabetes. It helps in maintaining good bowel movements. It is the best choice when it comes to weight management. The fruit as well as its leaves have low GI and GL values and thus helps to control blood sugar levels. One guava (55g) has 38 calories.
According to the NIH, guava fruit, when consumed without the peel, is more effective in lowering blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels. It also helps to increase HDL cholesterol levels.
Cherries have the lowest glycemic index and don’t cause spikes in blood glucose levels. It also contains chemicals called anthocyanins that boost insulin production. 100 g of cherries has 63 calories. Thus, cherries are one of the fruits that are good for diabetic people.
Pear is a wonderful addition to your diabetes diet plan as it is an excellent source of fiber and vitamin K. It has a low GI index and thus decreases the rate of absorption of glucose. 180 g pears have 5.5g of fibre, which is 20% of the fibre needed in a day. Anthocyanins present in pears are good for reducing blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetic patients. Potassium and antioxidants present in pears make them best for maintaining good bowel conditions.
Read More: Fibre Rich Fruits for Diabetes
Types of Fruits for Diabetics to Avoid
While fruits offer numerous health benefits, not all of them are suitable for those managing diabetes. Certain fruits are high in natural sugars and can cause a rapid spike in blood glucose levels, making them less ideal for a diabetic-friendly diet. Understanding which fruits to limit or avoid can help maintain better blood sugar control and support overall health. Let’s take a closer look at the types of fruits that may pose challenges for diabetics.
Avoid fruits with High glycemic index values
But if you are willing to eat such fruits, a balanced diet is the best option. For example, Pineapple, Pumpkin, and watermelon are high-glycemic fruits that can be consumed by diabetic patients only with balanced options, i.e., in small quantities and with care.
Fruit Juices
Avoid fruit juices as they raise blood sugar levels instantly.
Dried fruits
These are rich in GI and GL values. Thus, avoid them, as they contain more sugar than fresh fruits. If you want to consume them, use only very small portions.
Cooked Fruits
Do not eat cooked fruits.
Fruit flavours
Flavored fruit products should be avoided as they are rich in sugar. Examples: jam, fruit yogurt, candy, etc.
Applesauce & processed fruits
Don’t eat applesauce and processed fruits as they are rich in sugar content and can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.
Avoid Fruits with high GI and GL values, such as dried fruits. If they are consumed, they must be consumed with moderation.
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Best Ways to Eat Fruits While Diabetic
Everyone has different needs for carbs. Consult the dietitian for a good fruit diet plan. Generally, diabetic patients should eat 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day. A single-serve is nearly 150 g of the fruit.
The 1 serving of fruit portion shall give 15g of carbs. 1 serving for each fruit is as follows:
- 1 cup of strawberries
- 3/ 4 cup of black plums
- 1 medium-sized orange
- 1 small piece of apple, peach, or pear
- 1/2 medium-sized banana
- 2 small kiwis
- 1 cup of watermelon
- 18 small cherries or grapes
- 2 tablespoons of raisins
- Yes, 1/3 portion of a medium-sized mango
Plan well before you consume the fruit of your choice.
A Final Thought
Fruits are a rich source of nutrients essential for our body metabolism and boosting our health. The choices of fruits shall vary from one diabetic person to another. It is advised to consult a dietician and have blood sugar checked up before consuming the perfect fruit in your diet plan.
- Consume only Low GI and Low GL fruits.
- Take high-GI fruits and dried fruits in very small quantities with care.
- Avoid processed and canned fruits, cooked fruits, and juices.
- Get regular blood sugar levels checked.
Read More: Is Apple Good for Diabetes Patients?
FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)
The five best fruits for diabetes are berries (e.g., strawberries, blueberries), cherries, apples, citrus fruits (e.g., oranges, grapefruits), and avocados, as they have lower glycemic indices and provide essential nutrients.
Pear is a wonderful addition to your diabetes diet plan as it is an excellent source of fiber and vitamin K. It has a low GI index and thus decreases the rate of absorption of glucose.
Fruits with high glycemic index value if taken in large quantity are harmful for diabetic persons. For example Pineapple, Ripen banana, large sized mangoes, high quantity watermelon, cooked fruits, fruit juices, apple sauces, packed and processed fruits.
Kiwi slows down the digestion and thus helpsin lowering blood glucose levels. It has high source of vitamin C, fibre and water content suitable for lowering blood glucose levels. Thus, kiwi is good for diabetes.
Guava has low glycemic index value and thus doesnot raise blood sugar immediately. It is a high source of vitamin C and has low sodium and potassium content making it a perfect diabetic fruit. It has good fibre content that helps in good bowel movement. Guava skin may cause spikes in blood glucose levles, so peel and enjoy guava.
Watermelon has high glycemic index value. This means it shall increase blood sugar levels immedately after eating. But it is of great nutrional benfit. It has lycopen that reduces risk of cancer and heart disease. It has high fibre and water content essential for weight management. Thus, a diabetic person can eat watermelon only in limited amounts like 150 gm at one time.
Fruits with low glycemic index values are good for diabetics, including strawberries, black jamun, Kiwi, small apples, Guava, Pear, and peaches. However, all fruits should be taken in limited amounts and as per dietician recommendations.
There are so many fruits available for people with diabetes. But fruits with low glycemic value are good for diabetes. If the GI value is low, then the fruit is good to eat.
Fruits contain natural sugar, Fructose. This is decomposed into glucose and released into the bloodstream. It is not bad. It is good for our body. Only excessive fructose levels can harm you if you are diabetic.
Fruits are rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fibers. For example, Peaches, Apples, and Avocados.
Eating any fruit within your recommended calorie intake will not cause any problems if you are diabetic. Mangoes have a GI value of 51 and thus have no drastic effect on blood sugar levels. However, generally, sweet and rich in calories can affect your blood sugar levels. Thus, it is recommended to 1 to 2 slices of small to medium-sized mango per day.
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