Diet Chart for Sustainable & Healthy Weight Loss

Last updated on August 22nd, 2024

Achieving your weight loss goals can feel like a tough task, but with the nutrition diet chart for weight loss and the right guidance, it’s an attainable and sustainable journey. Lately, in India, according to the studies published in the PubMed Medical Library, the incidence of obesity has risen to 40%. The study further shows the prevalence of obesity is higher in women than in men.

Therefore, if you have recently gained a few kilos, follow this best diet chart for weight loss. Our weight loss diet chart for women and men is designed to fulfill your nutritional needs while effectively reducing your body weight.

In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore the key elements of an effective weight loss diet chart, from understanding the fundamentals to curating a sample healthy meal plan. We’ll discuss the important nutrients to prioritize and the foods to limit or avoid. By the end, you’ll have a personalized diet plan to fuel your body and mind for lasting weight management success.

What Is a Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart?

In a weight loss diet plan chart, we include foods rich in beneficial nutrients that will positively affect weight loss. Keeping your calorie deficit constant is essential for successful weight loss. A calorie deficit means you eat less than the required calories. Then, you burn more calories, resulting in a net calorie deficit. An effective weight loss plan should be able to do this.

It also depends on the type of calories you consume. Calories from protein-rich foods are more beneficial than calories from carbs and fats. Protein helps build muscle mass, and proteins are thermogenic nutrients that require more calories to digest. Also, a weight loss diet plan should include foods rich in dietary fiber.

Studies published by the Frontier Medical Journal show individuals who consume high-fiber foods have significantly reduced weight than those who don’t. Fiber takes more time to digest and has natural appetite-suppressing abilities, thus helping with weight loss. The diet chart helps clarify the appropriate food consumption ratio. Despite the many misconceptions surrounding diet plans, a diet chart can be tasty, nourishing, and healthful.

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Breathe’s Healthy Diet Chart for Weight Loss

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning Drink Lukewarm lemon water with honey (honey is optional) A glass of water with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar) A cup of green tea A cup of ginger tea A milk of milk tea/coffee with limited or no sugar A cup of green tea A milk of milk tea/coffee with limited or no sugar
Breakfast 2 pieces of besan cheela with mint chutney 2-3 pieces of moong dal idlis with a katori of sambar 2-3 pieces of egg/paneer sandwich 1.5 katori of poha 2 egg omelet/paneer bhurji with 2 pieces of whole grain bread 2 pieces of besan cheela with mint chutney A bowl of namkeen dalia
Lunch 2 roti, a katori each of salad, any seasonal sabji, and dal 1 katori steamed rice, 1 roti, a katori of palak paneer, and a salad 2 pieces of moong dosa, a katori of sambar, and 1-2 tablespoons of coconut peanut chutney 2 katori of vegetable pulao with a katori of curd 2 roti, a katori each of dal and paneer/chicken curry 2 roti, a katori of any seasonal sabji, a katori of dal, and a salad 2 katori of paneer pulao with curd
Evening Snack A glass of buttermilk with a handful of roasted chana A handful of mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds and cashews) Coconut water with a spoon of chia seeds 70-80 grams of roasted chana A bowl of mixed fruits (apples, oranges, pears, bananas, etc) A cup of black coffee and a katori of murmure namkeen A cup of masala corn and one apple
Dinner 2 roti, a katori of mushroom curry, and salad 2 roti, a katori each of lauki kofta and sprout salad 100 grams of grilled chicken/fish/paneer and a bowl of vegetable soup 2 pieces of moong dosa, a katori of sambar, and 1-2 tablespoons of coconut peanut chutney 2 roti, a katori of mix veg sabji and salad 2 katori of chicken/paneer rice with mint chutney 100 grams roasted paneer/chicken with a bowl of vegetable soup

Important Components in a Food Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Important Components in a Food Diet Chart for Weight Loss

When crafting an effective diet chart for weight loss, it’s crucial to focus on including the right balance of essential nutrients. The following essential macro- and micronutrients are critical for promoting your overall fitness and health goals:


Protein is a macronutrient that helps preserve lean muscle mass while you’re in a calorie deficit for weight loss. Aim for the same grams of protein as your body weight per day from lean sources like chicken, fish, eggs and plant-based options like tofu, milk, lentils, etc.


Dietary fiber keeps you feeling full and satisfied, regulates digestion, and supports gut health. Shoot for 25-30 grams of fiber per day from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Healthy Fats

Don’t fear fats – the right unsaturated fats, like those found in mustard/olive oil, nuts, and seeds, can actually aid weight loss by providing satiety. Keep total fat intake to 20-30% of your daily calories.


Load up on vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. These micronutrients support everything from immune function to metabolic health.

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Foods to Avoid in a Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart

When following a weight loss diet plan, there are certain foods and beverages that are best consumed in moderation or avoided altogether. Some key foods to limit include:

Refined Carbohydrates

White bread, pasta, rice, and baked goods made with refined flour can spike blood sugar and provide empty calories. Choose whole-grain alternatives instead.

Sugary Drinks

Regular soda, fruit juices, and sweetened coffee/tea beverages are loaded with added sugars that contribute to weight gain. Stick to water, unsweetened tea, or infused waters.

Deep-Fried Foods

Samosas, pakoras, vada pav, and other deep-fried snacks are loaded with unhealthy fats and have high calories. When possible, opt for baked, grilled, or air-fried versions.

Full-Fat Dairy

Whole milk, paneer, and other high-fat dairy products can be calorie-dense. Instead, choose low-fat or non-fat options like skimmed milk and curd.

Processed Meats

Cured, smoked, or salted meats like sausages and bacon should be limited due to their high sodium and saturated fat content.


Beer, wine, and spirits provide empty calories without any nutritional value. Moderate or avoid alcohol consumption while dieting.

By cutting back on these foods and drinks, you can maintain a calorie deficit over time to support safe, sustainable weight loss.

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Other Health Tips When Following a Diet Plan Weight Loss Chart

Optimizing your overall health and lifestyle is just as important as the diet itself when it comes to successful weight loss. Here are some additional health tips to keep in mind when following a weight loss diet plan chart:

Stay Hydrated:

Try to have at least 8 cups or 4-5 liters of water per day to support metabolism, digestion, and feelings of fullness.

Get Enough Sleep:

Aim for up to nine hours of sound sleep every night. Too little sleep might mess with your hormones and cause you to gain weight.

Manage Stress:

Practice stress-relieving techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to prevent stress-induced overeating.

Incorporate Physical Workout:

Combine cardio exercises like jogging or running with strength training to boost fat-burning and preserve muscle mass.

Eat Mindfully:

Take note of your body’s signals of hunger and fullness, and enjoy your food without being distracted by the TV or phone.

Track Progress:

Monitor your weight, body measurements, and how your clothes fit to stay motivated and make adjustments as needed.

Be Patient and Consistent:

Sustainable weight loss takes time. Stick to your plan and trust the process – rapid weight loss is often unsustainable.

Making lifestyle changes in addition to following a balanced diet chart can help optimize your health and support your long-term weight management goals.

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Final words

In conclusion, a well-designed diet chart for weight loss like the one provided can be a powerful tool to achieve your health and fitness goals. By focusing on nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods and limiting processed items, you can create a calorie deficit to shed unwanted pounds. Keep in mind that long-term weight loss is a journey rather than an easy solution.

For best outcomes, combine your diet plan with regular physical workouts, stress reduction methods, and wholesome living practices. Stay patient, trust the process, and celebrate small victories along the way. With the right plan and consistency, you can absolutely transform your body and your overall well-being.

Read More: 7 Best Foods That Burn Fat & Help You Lose Weight

FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)

Which type of diet is best for weight loss?

For weight loss, a calorie-deficit diet focused on whole, nutrient-dense foods like veggies, fruits, lean proteins, and complex carbs is generally considered the most effective. Avoid highly processed and oily foods and create a moderate calorie deficit through diet and workout for sustainable weight loss.

For how many days you need to follow a diet plan to lose weight?

There is no one-size-fits-all timeframe for weight loss, as it depends on various factors like your starting weight, calorie deficit, and lifestyle. However, most experts recommend following a balanced, calorie-deficit diet for at least 12-16 weeks to see significant and sustainable weight loss results.

How to remove belly fat without exercise?

Removing belly fat without exercise is challenging. The most effective approach is to focus on a calorie-deficit diet with an emphasis on high-protein, high-fiber, and low-carb foods. Stress management, adequate sleep, and staying hydrated can also support fat loss. However, regular exercise is crucial for sustainable and optimal results.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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