Is Bajra Good for Diabetes?

Last updated on September 30th, 2023

When facing diabetes, one thing we all do is classify every food item we see as diabetes-friendly food or not. So, moving on with this concept today, we stumble upon another nutritious food grain, which is Bajra. You might have heard about bajra grain. This grain is very popular in winter in North India. It is also known as pearl millet, and it’s been a dietary staple in many parts of the world for ages. But if you’re dealing with diabetes, you might be wondering, ‘Is Bajra Good for Diabetes Patients?’ Well, stick around because, in this article, we’re diving into the world of Bajra and telling you about bajra benefits for diabetes patients, ways to try it and much more. We’ll talk about its nutritional perks and what it means for your blood sugar levels. So, let’s get started!

What is Bajra?

Bajra also goes by the other name of pearl millet. It is a kind of cereal that is widely cultivated and consumed in India and other parts of the world. Bajra has a long history of cultivation and consumption, especially in regions with arid and semi-arid climates where it thrives. It is a coarse crop that can be produced in dry and challenging growing conditions, making it an important food source for communities in these regions. Bajra grain, or pearl millet, is believed to have originated in Africa, particularly in the Sahel region, thousands of years ago. The cultivation of bajra grain in India dates back to ancient times. Bajra is an integral part of Indian cuisine, especially in states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Haryana, where it is used to make traditional dishes.

Consuming bajra grain can contribute to better digestion, improved heart health, and increased energy levels due to its nutritional content. Bajra for diabetes patients is considered a good grain option as it has a nutritional profile that compliments diabetes conditions.

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Nutritional Value of Bajra

Nutritional Value of Bajra

Bajra contains a nutritional-rich profile. Bajra ki roti benefits are many as it has high fiber content and complex carbs. Plus, the bajra sugar content is low. Bajra contains many antioxidants and flavonoids. Here is the nutrient table:

Nutritional Value of Bajra
Nutrients (Per 100 grams) Its amount
Calories 378 kcal
Proteins 11 g
Fats 4.2 g
Carbs 72.8 g
Fiber 8.5 g
Calcium 42 mg
Potassium 195 mg
Folate 85 ug
Selenium 2.7 ug

Glycemic Index of Bajra

The glycemic index of bajra roti is just around 54, which classifies it as low glycemic food. Moreover, apart from having a low gi of bajra, it also has a low glycemic load. The glycemic load of bajra is just around 6.06. The low bajra flour glycemic index definitely helps in blood sugar moderation and tackling its effects.

Read More: What are the Glycemic Index and ways to calculate the Gi Value of Food Items?

Is Bajra Good for Diabetics?

Bajra grain is a member of the millet family. Millet-based meals generally help in lessening the risk of development of diabetes. Studies like the one done by the National Center for Biotechnology Information in 2018 explain the potential effects of pearl millet or bajra for diabetes mellitus. Firstly, bajra has high fiber content, which delays the absorption rate of sugar in the bloodstream. Also, bajra benefits for diabetes are many. These include its phenolic compounds, which reduced fasting hyperglycemia and postprandial blood sugar in diabetic rats in the study. Phenolic compounds increase insulin functionality and lessen the effects of gluconeogenesis.

Many bioactive compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids in bajra for diabetes patients provide antioxidants and reduce inflammation. Moreover, bajra has fewer calories compared to other grains like whole wheat and rice. Therefore, here it has an edge over the others. Also, another study says consumption of high-fiber foods like bajra is good for diabetes patients. This is because they reduce blood sugar spikes and help in improving heart health.

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Bajra Benefits for Diabetes Patients

Bajra Benefits for Diabetes Patients

Eating bajra for diabetes patients can offer several benefits:

GI of Bajra

Glycemic index of bajra is 54, which means GI of bajra is low. Low GI foods are recommended for diabetes patients as they have a slower and more gradual impact on blood sugar. This helps in preventing spikes.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Some research has indicated that consuming bajra flour for diabetics may improve insulin sensitivity in them. Improved insulin functionality and sensitivity can lead to better blood sugar regulation.

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High in Fiber

Another reason why bajra good for diabetes is because it is rich in dietary fiber. Fiber can assist you in regulating sugar levels by holding back the absorption of glucose. Along with this, it also boosts insulin sensitivity.


Bajra contains essential nutrients like vitamins like B-complex vitamins, especially niacin and B6. Along with minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorus. Consuming bajra atta for diabetics provides antioxidants that can support overall health and reduce inflammation.

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Another bajra ki roti benefits is satiety. Bajra contains fiber and protein content, which promotes a feeling of fullness. This helps overweight diabetics in weight management, which is very important if one is looking to control diabetes.

Lipid Profile

Some studies have shown that the consumption of bajra flour for diabetics may have a positive impact on lipid profiles. Bajra grain may help in reducing levels of total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

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Bajra grain is naturally gluten-free. This makes it a preferred choice for those having celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. This disease is common in some individuals with diabetes.

Potential Blood Pressure Benefits

Some question whether bajra is good for diabetes or not. However, studies suggest that bajra grain consumption may help lower blood pressure. So, eating bajra roti for diabetes patients can be beneficial for those who are at a higher risk of hypertension.

It’s vital to consume bajra for diabetes patients in moderation and as part of a well-balanced diet.

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Ways to consume Bajra for Diabetes Patients


Bajra for diabetes patients can be a good addition to their diet. There are many flavourful bajra recipes which you can try. Here are some common as well as unique ways to consume bajra for diabetes patients:

Bajra Roti for Diabetes

Bajra ki roti benefits are many for diabetics. Replace a portion of wheat flour with bajra flour to make bajra roti for diabetes patients. It has a lower glycemic profile compared to wheat, helping regulate blood sugar levels.

Bajra Khichdi

Cook bajra along with vegetables and spices to make a nutritious bajra khichdi. Enjoy the low GI of bajra while satisfying your hunger.

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Bajra Porridge

This is another good recipe of bajra for diabetes patients. Prepare a thick bajra porridge with water or low-fat milk, and add some nuts or seeds for extra nutrients.

Bajra Upma

Make upma by replacing semolina with bajra flour. Include vegetables and spices for flavour.

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Bajra Dosa

Create a tasty bajra grain dosa by blending bajra flour with other flour like chickpea flour. Serve with a low-sugar chutney.

Bajra Salad

Roast bajra grain and add them to salads for a crunchy texture and added nutrition.

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Bajra Soup

Make a hearty soup with bajra, vegetables, and spices. Since bajra contains proteins and fibers it can be a filling and nutritious meal.

Bajra Idli

Mix bajra grain flour with urad dal or rice flour to make idlis, a South Indian favorite.

Remember to scrutinize portion amounts and consult with your doctor for personalized dietary guidance. The guidance will be based on your specific diabetes management needs.

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In conclusion, the answer to the question, Is bajra good for sugar patients? It is definitely, yes! Bajra for diabetes is indeed a valuable addition to their diet. Its low GI of bajra, high fiber content, and essential nutrients make it a grain of choice for those seeking to regulate their sugar levels effectively. However, as with any dietary modification, moderation and proportion are essential. It’s important to consult with your doctor to tailor your diet to your specific needs. Assimilate bajra in your diet in appropriate quantities to derive maximum bajra benefits for diabetes patients. Remember, managing diabetes is a holistic journey, and bajra for diabetes patients can be a wholesome part of that path only when consumed in measured amounts. So go ahead, enjoy bajra in your meals, and savor its potential benefits for your diabetes management. If you are facing any problem with deciding portion sizes, we at Breathe Well-being can help you out. We have a team of well-qualified and experienced health experts who can assist you in deciding the optimum bajra grain quantity according to your body. We have experience in controlling and reversing diabetes for numerous patients. Come join us for our expertise in diabetes management. Choose Life! Choose Breathe Well-Being!

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What is the Glycemic Load of Bajra?

The GI of bajra is low, which is around 54. The glycemic load of bajra is also low and around 6.06. So, consuming bajra for diabetes patients will have less impact on their blood sugar.

Is it OK to Eat Bajra Roti Everyday?

Yes, it’s okay to consume bajra roti for diabetes patients every day. However, it should be a part of a well-curated diabetes diet plan. Consuming bajra produces heat in our bodies, which some might feel uncomfortable dealing with. Consume bajra in measured amounts and with the guidance of your doctor.

Who Should Not Eat Bajra?

Bajra contains compounds like nitrates, oxalates, phytic acids, etc., which negatively affect blood pressure. Also, people having kidney issues, malabsorption syndrome, and high BP should limit bajra consumption.

Jowar or Bajra – Which is Better for Diabetes?

Jowar or bajra are both good grain options for diabetics. Comparing both jowar and bajra for diabetes patients nutrient-wise, jowar fiber content is high quality and keeps the gut healthy. On the other hand, bajra has less carb content and high vitamins, amino acids, etc. But jowar is classified as moderate GI food. Therefore, it brings a greater sugar spike compared to bajra.

Is Bajra Good for Diabetic Patients?

Bajra for diabetes patients is a better whole-grain option than wheat or rice. The glycemic index of bajra roti is 54, which is low. Bajra has a decent amount of antioxidants, which reduce inflammation. It also has good fiber content, which regulates blood sugar.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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