Seema Goel

Top 11 Zinc Rich Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Zinc, being an essential mineral plays a key role in different processes going all over the body. The mineral strengthens the person’s immunity; zinc helps in wound healing, as well as sharpens the senses of smell and taste. Zinc is particularly fundamental during infancy, pregnancy, and childhood for proper growth and …

Health Benefits of Saunf or Fennel Seeds

Last updated on August 2nd, 2022Saunf or fennel seeds are spices harvested from one of the numerous types of fennel plants. They are equipped with a sweet, potent flavor resembling licorice. Foeniculum vulgare, famous as fennel, is a palatable culinary herb as well as a medicinal plant. Fennel is green and white having yellow flowers and …

Navratri Special Diet Plan For Diabetics

Last updated on October 16th, 2023Now, Navratri celebrations will be in full sway. Celebration of this festival occurs in diverse ways. That too, in several parts of India. Fasting during Navratri is performed to pacify Goddess Durga. And, to seek her blessings. Excluding the sacred aspect of Navratri, it aids in cleanse the body. This occurs …

6 Surprising Benefits of Sabja Seeds

Last updated on September 9th, 2022Sabja seeds or basil seeds are for cultivating basil plants. These are also edible and carry several health benefits. They look just like sesame seeds but are black. The type which originates from sweet basil is Ocimum basilicum. It is a plant commonly used in homes. Therefore, the seeds are naturally …

Best Energy Drinks Safe for Diabetics

Last updated on October 20th, 2023Water constitutes nearly two-thirds of the body weight. Thus, it makes sense to have an adequate amount of water daily to stay healthy and hydrated. Tea, coffee, water, fruit juices, milk, or smoothies all count. Also, enough fluid comes from the food people eat, particularly fruits and vegetables. People always have …


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