Dr. Priyanka Chakravarty Indu

Is Flax Seeds Good For Diabetic Patients?

Last updated on April 3rd, 2024There are millions of individuals living with diabetes and more than twice as many living with prediabetes. And the numbers are continuously increasing. Flax seeds pack several health-promoting compounds. They have the potential to reduce glucose levels and delay the progression of type 2 diabetes. Hence, flax seeds are good for …

Are Eggs Good for Diabetics?

Last updated on October 16th, 2023Eggs are versatile, a low-carb food, and a high protein source. Their GI score is very low. This makes them an excellent protein source for diabetic patients. The ADA considers eggs a superb option for diabetics. This is due to the fact that one large egg comprises around ½ grams of …

Is Sweet Potato Good for Diabetes?

Last updated on October 15th, 2023The importance of the right food choices in diabetes is essential. According to a recent study published  by Tufts School of Medicine in Boston, out of every 7 of 10 cases are associated with poor food choices. Therefore, diabetes patients should carefully scrutinise every food they plan to gulp. Walking on …


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