Dr. Ashwini Sarode Chandrashekara

Dr Ashwini Sarode Chandrashekara is practicing as a Consultant Physician and Diabetologist for 11 years. Her speciality areas are diabetes and hypertension (including gestational), thyroid disorders, asthma and tuberculosis, obesity management, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases etc. Dr Ashwini has various memberships like Royal college of Physicians, Edinburgh, GAPIO, and RSSDI. Dr Ashwini Sarode Chandrashekara has authored a chapter on ‘Diabetes in Elderly’. The book is due to be published for general population.


  • MBBS, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, 2004
  • MD Internal Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Kathmandu University, Manipal, 2010
  • PG Diploma in Endocrinology, University of South wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2015
  • Diploma in Diabetology, Apollo Hospitals, Medvarsity, 2017
  • Certificate course in Diabetology, IDF (International Diabetes Federation) school of Diabetes, 2020
  • MRCP(UK), Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2020
  • Certificate course in Infectious disease, Nanavati Hospitals, Mumbai, 2021


  • Nov 2019 – Present, Consultant Physician and Diabetologist, Kanva Diagnostics, Nagarabhavi, Bengaluru
  • Apr 2018 – Oct 2019, Consultant Physician and Diabetologist, Essential Hospital Brinda hospital, Bengaluru
  • Apr 2014 – Aug 2016, Jn consultant and Co-ordinator, Dept of Internal Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Bengaluru
  • Oct 2010 – Mar 2014, Hospitalist, Dept of Internal Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Bengaluru
  • Jul 2010 – Sep 2010, Senior Resident, Dept of Internal Medicine, Melaka Medical College, Manipal.

Publications and Thesis

  • Paper publication on ‘Chryseobacterium Indologenes- A very uncommon infection in ICU’, a case report, published in European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021
  • Thesis on ‘Clinical Profile in Rheumatoid Arthritis’ as part of dissertation during postgraduation program.

3-Month A1C Drop: How Much is Realistic and How to Achieve It?

A1C is a simple blood test that tells you about your average blood sugar control over the past 2-3 months. Haemoglobin, a protein in your red blood cells, carries sugar (glucose) throughout your body. The A1C test measures how much sugar is attached to the haemoglobin. So, the higher the A1C, the more sugar has been …

Is Puffed Rice Good For Diabetes?

Last updated on December 10th, 2024Puffed rice is a crispy, light snack with surprising health benefits, particularly for those managing diabetes. Crafted from whole rice grains, this airy delight undergoes a unique process where high heat and pressure puff the grains into delightful morsels. Beyond its delightful crunch and versatility in culinary creations, puffed rice holds …

Is Peanut Butter Good For Diabetes? Glycemic Index of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, a common pantry staple, is made by grinding roasted peanuts into a smooth or chunky spread, often with a touch of salt or sweeteners for enhanced flavour. Rich in protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients, peanut butter is not only a delicious treat but also a versatile ingredient in various culinary creations. Its creamy …

Glycomet Tablet: Uses, Dosage, Precautions, Side Effects

Last updated on December 18th, 2024What is Glycomet? Glycomet GP1 (or other form of Glycomet) is a medication that is commonly prescribed for the management of type 2 diabetes. According to PubMed Central’s 2014 Medical report, glycomet is more specifically used for type 2 diabetes with obesity. It is an oral antidiabetic drug that helps control …

Anti Diabetic Medication/Drugs List to Managing Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a chronic medical condition characterised by elevated blood glucose levels. Managing diabetes involves a comprehensive approach, including lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and, in many cases, medication. anti diabetic drugs are a class of medications specifically designed to treat diabetes by helping regulate blood glucose levels. The primary goal of …


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