Last updated on October 22nd, 2021
High-intensity interval training, also called sprint interval training, HIIT is now a popular choice for people who want to get in shape and stay fit. HIIT is a special cardiovascular exercise approach that includes alternate acute episodes of intense exercise with less intense exercise during recovery periods. HIIT begins with a warm-up session (basically, less intense). Muscles are then prepared to go, and HIIT can be kick-started by jumping, running, sprinting, or performing any activity that gets the heart rate up. Then, a small break (a few seconds) can be taken to hold some breath, and then return to the exercises again. Read this blog to know about HIIT for weight loss in detail.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and so many lockdowns, people have been forced to alter their routines and schedules. Naturally, a change in their fitness routine is seen as they are now working out from their homes. This appears boring as compared to those bouncy gym workouts, long walks, mountain treks, or cycling. However, there are numerous fun and effective workouts a person can do at home as well.
Why HIIT Workout For Fat Loss?
A high-intensity workout is very time-effective. It takes less time to complete HIIT than moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, but it presents similar health benefits.
A research study conducted in 2017 by medical PhD scholars Zhang, H., Tong, T. K., Qui, W. et al. found that HIIT exercises, when done three times a week, significantly lowered body fat percentage. Further, the group that performed HIIT attained the same improvement in VO2 max in half the exercise time from medium-intensity exercises.
The study also found that a greater amount of energy is used from fat stores during bodyweight high-intensity workouts than in moderate-intensity exercises. Another study published by the NIH showed that just 60 seconds of HIIT belly fat workout during a moderate-intensity session efficiently improves stamina and overall health. HIIT offers benefits to the health of the heart and lungs.
A workout at higher intensity ensures higher burning of calories than any moderate-intensity workout. During HIIT, a person’s heart rate increases, and over time the stroke volume also increases. This results in an increased blood being pushed out by the heart in one beat.
Benefits of HIIT For Weight Loss
A high-interval weight loss plan is beneficial because it offers:
- Improved endurance and strength
- Stress management.
- Fat burning: A research study published by the Journal of Obesity found that individuals undergoing HIIT thrice a week for 20 minutes per session lost 2 kilograms of body fat in 12 weeks. And that too without any dietary modifications. But for sustained weight loss, you will have to maintain a calorie deficit.
- Improved oxygen consumption: One study published on the ResearchGate website observed that HIIT training optimised oxygen consumption and significantly delayed the body’s exhaustion over time.
- Controlled levels of blood sugar: HIIT workouts greatly reduce raised blood sugar levels when done for 12 weeks or less. A research study published on the PubMed Central website has found that HIIT not only helps lower blood sugar but also improves insulin resistance. This high-interval training is mainly helpful for type 2 diabetic patients.
- Boost the natural metabolic rate following exercise: This implies that the person can continue burning calories throughout the day.
- Maintains a healthy heart rate and blood pressure: HIIT workouts can decrease the heart rate and blood pressure in obese people. They can also help individuals frequently who have high blood pressure. According to reports by the Harvard School of Health, they greatly help improve blood sugar and blood pressure in individuals.
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Are HIIT Workout Exercises for you?
It is vital to exercise caution while exercising at high intensities. Before going for HIIT workouts for weight loss, make sure to create a good fitness base.
A person must be able to comfortably complete half an hour of moderate-intensity exercise (jogging, fast walking, cycling). During the exercise, breathing becomes heavier, and the person feels like he or she has little left in reserve.
A person must start from the Beginners Level 1 workout if he or she is not currently exercising regularly. His or her heart and lungs will be challenged more during the start.
When is a High-intensity Weight Loss Workout Plan not Good?
HIIT is not for a person having medical conditions that have an impact on the circulatory system, including:
- high blood pressure
- angina
- diabetes
It is important to look for guidance from a medical professional before starting this workout.
If the person’s objective is muscle building, proper weight training must be his or her prime focus, with HIIT as an add-on. The training can be split into two weights sessions and two HIIT sessions for seven days. This would also keep a person lean while making sure the person is not over-trained.
The training must be short, less intense, and infrequent, not a daily effort. Recovery days are a must for avoiding injuries and ensuring that a person can work at the intensity needed for a successful HIIT. If a person performs 4 or 5 HIIT sessions a week, then it’s not a real HIIT. The person is perhaps going to get injured as well.
How Can You Do This High Interval Training?
As HIIT is an intense form of workout, it must be restricted to 2-3 sessions for 7 days + 1 day of rest in between. One HIIT session continues for about 10-20 minutes. Each exercise can last between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, after which you take only a minute of rest.
For example, a beginner should begin with 30 seconds of exercise and then take 30 seconds of rest (this is for a beginner). At the advanced level, the person can perform 45 seconds of exercise and take 15 seconds of rest.
HIIT can be complemented with low-intensity exercises (yoga, swimming, or walking). This helps keep the body in tip-top training condition.
Types of HIIT For Belly Fat Burn
- Beginner: Timmons Method: This one is entry-level. According to the Belleville Sports Center, 20 seconds of extreme work is done first. Then, 2 minutes of active recovery, which can be slow walking/jogging or complete rest. Repeat this whole exercise thrice.
- Intermediate: 10-20: This step is also called “Reverse Tabata”. In this, double the amount of rest is taken. This helps decrease work intervals and change the focus to anaerobic fitness. This plan can be used for a person whose goal is power production. According to the Cleveland Clinic, Tabata is basically the higher version of HIIT training. Also, if the person does not have the fitness for an all-out Tabata, then the intermediate level is good for him or her. According to the research published on the NIH website, Tabata greatly enhances cardio and vascular strength in comparison to moderate exercises. Tabata includes warming up for ten minutes and then doing 6 or 8 rounds. Warm-up is done for 10 minutes, and then 6-8 rounds of exercise are done.
- Advanced: 10-20-30: In this, a person performs 5 “blocks” of work, made up of 30 seconds at 30% intensity, 20 seconds at 60%, and 10 seconds all-out.
- Nasty: Tabata: 20 seconds of all-out work, and then 10 seconds of rest; all this done 8 times is Tabata level. This improves endurance to a great level.
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List of 10 Best Workouts to Lose Weight
- Kettlebell swings: This complete-body challenging workout energizes the person’s heart rate. In addition, the strength of arms and legs increases together with developing a strong core. A 2-handed kettlebell swing must be completed for 20 seconds. Rest for 8 seconds and repeat 8 sets. Fast lifting boosts the heart rate.
- Pushups: 3 sets of 10 repetitions (reps): Pushups help stabilize the core, boost arm muscle mass, and build upper body strength. A beginner must start with 3 sets of 10 reps. Then, take a rest for 60-90 seconds between each set. The number of reps can then be gradually increased as strength improves.
- Lunges: 1 set of 8 to 12 lunges per leg is completed in this step.
- Step-ups: 5 sets of 5-10 reps per side. Step-ups help strengthen the legs and stabilize the body’s core and lower back muscles. They begin with a small step height (6-12 inches) and then progress to a higher height (24-30 inches).
- Deadlifts: 1-3 sets of 10 to 20 reps: Deadlifts help in building muscles of both the lower and upper body, along with burning fat.
- Rocket jumps: 2 sets of 15 to 25 reps. To do this, a person should stand with his or her feet hip-width apart, legs bent and hands on the thighs. The next step is jumping upwards, hands straight above the head, and stretching the complete body. Land gently, relocate the feet and do it again. If a person wants to make it challenging, then he or she can begin in a lower squat position. And then, any weight or a water bottle can be held in both hands at the center of the person’s chest.
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- Burpees: 2 sets of 15 to 24 reps: A burpee can be done by dropping into a squat with the hands positioned on the floor. Then, the feet can be kicked back into a push-up pose. Jump with the feet back into a squat position. Then, jump up with the arms extending above the head.
Note: If a person wants to do an easy burpee, don’t throw out into the push-up pose; stand up rather than jump. - Squats: Squats are done as a less energetic option. In this, a person stands with his or her feet shoulder-width apart. The hands are placed downwards by the sides or can be extended out ahead for an additional balance. Then, the person lowers his or her body by bending the knees to nearly a right angle. While doing so, the thighs come parallel to the ground.
Note: The back must be kept straight, and the knees must not stretch beyond the toes. - Tap backs: 2 sets of 15 to 24 reps: To perform this, a person must step his or her right leg back and both arms are swung frontwards. The same can be repeated with the other leg in a nonstop rhythmic motion.
Note: Look ahead and the hips and shoulders must be kept in the frontward direction. The front knee must not extend over the toes as the person steps back. - Star jumps or squats: 2 sets of 15 to 24 reps: A star jump is when a person stands tall with his or her arms by the side and knees slightly in a bent position. Next, jump up, stretching the arms and legs outwards and making a star shape in the air. Land gently, with knees positioned together and hands by side.
Note: The abs must be kept tight and back straight throughout the exercise. One should try these best workouts for weight loss and toning at home!!
Give HIIT a Try With This 7-Minute Workout
Doing HIIT training feels great, but proper care needs to be exercised while doing it. This easy-to-do 7-minute HIIT workout can be performed on a stepper or an exercise bike. Jumping, stair climbing, or sprinting can also be tried to load the lower body. All these constitute the cardio regimen for fat loss.
- 120 sec Slow: warming up at a low to moderate intensity.
- 20 sec Fast: going as fast as possible for 20 seconds.
- 120 sec Slow: going slow for few minutes while catching the breath.
- 20 sec Fast: performing one more 20 seconds flat out.
- 120 sec Slow: gently moving for two minutes to catch a breath before concluding.
- 20 sec Fast: a final sprint of 20 seconds; leaving nothing in the tank!
Lastly, slow down for a couple of minutes and calm down with some light stretches.
HIIT is a successful way of exercising that helps anyone burn more calories than any traditional form of exercise. In total, HIIT cardio leads to many health benefits, and that too in a shorter time. These benefits can include lowering body fat, high blood pressure, or heart rate. HIIT is also helpful in controlling blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity.
So, the bottom line is: If you wish to get active in a short time, you must go for high-intensity weight training.
Start your fat-burning HIIT workout routine immediately. Breathe Well-being is a great platform to help you with this. Connect with us today to get tailored HIIT exercise sets that exclusively suit your body.
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FAQ’s(Frequently Asked Questions)
Can females do HIIT?
Yes, females can do HIIT. In fact, they are quick learners in the case of HIIT.
If I have painful knees, can I still do HIIT?
If you have painful knees, it is advisable to get them checked by your physician and then only start HIIT, and that too with the help of a HIIT personal trainer.
Is HIIT good for kids?
Kids falling in the age groups 7 years and above are generally prepared for or are capable enough to do resistance-based exercise. Exercises offer them benefits such as bone and muscle strengthening.
What all things a person should carry while going for a HIIT session?
Some tips for someone going for HIIT:
- Take a water bottle along; as staying hydrated is important.
- A handy timer is also a must; as most of the exercises need a watch over time so that you can know when to move onto the next exercise.
- Play music; having favorite tracks can encourage a person.
- Carry munchies along as HIIT training can give hunger pangs, so have a healthy snack ready.
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