Is Mushroom Good for Diabetes Patients?

Last updated on October 4th, 2023

Mushrooms have long been a staple in various cuisines around the world, prized for their unique flavours and versatile culinary applications. Beyond their gastronomic appeal, mushrooms have also garnered attention for their potential health benefits. Among the many health considerations, the question arises: Is mushroom good for diabetes patients? This article goes into the mushroom and diabetes connection and reveals its potential impact on diabetes management. We will explore its nutritional composition, advantages of eating mushrooms, side effects and much more. Come discover their effects on blood sugar levels and your overall well-being.

What is Mushroom?

A mushroom is a type of fungus that typically has a cap, a stem, and gills underneath the cap where spores are produced. They come in varied shapes, different sizes, and different colours. Mushrooms naturally grow in forests, fields, etc. They are also cultivated commercially. Mushrooms play a vital role in ecosystems by breaking down organic matter. Some species of mushrooms are edible and enjoyed as food, while others can be toxic or hallucinogenic. Edible mushroom contains unique flavours and textures and therefore is used in various cuisines and recipes.

Mushrooms have a rich and ancient history, dating back thousands of years. They have been consumed as food and used for medicinal purposes in various cultures around the world. The exact origin of mushroom consumption is difficult to pinpoint. However, in ancient cultures such as those of Egypt, China, and Greece, mushroom are good for health due to their medicinal properties. And were also used in traditional herbal medicine. They were often associated with longevity and vitality. Mushrooms also held cultural significance among indigenous peoples, who incorporated them into rituals and ceremonies.

Today, mushrooms are enjoyed globally in various cuisines worldwide, from stir-fries to creamy soups. Overall, the origin of mushroom consumption is intertwined with human history, spanning cultures, traditions, and culinary practices across the ages.

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Nutritional Value of Mushroom

Mushroom contains a powerhouse of nutrients like sodium, potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, D, and C, etc. Here is the nutrition chart:

Nutritional Value of Mushroom
Nutrients (in 100 grams ) Its amount
Calories 22cal
Carbohydrates 3.3 g
Total Fat 0.3 g
Saturated Fat 0.1 g
Protein 3.1 g
Fiber 1 g
Sugar 2 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 5 mg
Potassium 318 mg
Vitamin B6 5%
Vitamin D 1%
Vitamin C 3%
Magnesium 2%
Iron 2%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Mushroom Glycemic Index

Mushroom Glycemic Index

Mushroom glycemic index is low as it’s around 15 to 30. Low GI foods are foods whose GI number is below 55. Along with this, the glycemic load of mushroom too is very low. As mushrooms have low GI and GL along with low carbs content. This makes mushroom a good choice for health conscious individuals.

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Is Mushroom Good For Diabetes?

Mushrooms are pretty popular worldwide and consumed in numerous cuisines. Mushrooms’ nutritional profile is also said to aid your overall health. But, are mushrooms good for diabetes patients? The answer is a big Yes! Mushrooms can be a good option for diabetes patients as they are low in carbohydrates and calories. Some studies suggest that mushrooms may have potential benefits for diabetes patients due to their low glycemic index and potential anti-diabetic properties.

A study published in the journal “Nutrients” in 2018 investigated the glycemic index (GI) of different types of mushrooms. It found that the mushroom glycemic index is low. This means they cause a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar levels after consumption. Therefore mushroom for diabetes patients can be beneficial for managing blood sugar in diabetes patients.

Another study in 2015 in “The Journal of Medicinal Food” explored the effects of mushroom consumption on insulin sensitivity and other metabolic markers in type 2 diabetes patients. The results suggested that regular consumption of certain mushroom for diabetes patients might improve insulin sensitivity. Thus, potentially aiding in diabetes management.

Mushroom for diabetes patients, particularly varieties like shiitake and maitake, contain a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucans. Research has indicated that beta-glucans might help regulate blood sugar levels. They do so by slowing down carbohydrate absorption and improving insulin sensitivity.

However, we recommend diabetes patients should work closely with their doctor to determine how mushrooms and other foods fit into their individualized diabetes management plan. Remember that while mushroom for diabetes patients can be a part of their diet they should be consumed as part of a balanced meal plan. The meal plan takes into account the patient’s overall health, medication, and blood sugar levels.

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Advantages of Eating Mushroom for Diabetes Patients

Advantages of Eating Mushroom for Diabetes

Different types of mushroom contains several nutritional benefits which can be beneficial for diabetics. Here are the advantages of eating mushroom for diabetes patients:

Low Glycemic Index

Most mushroom varieties have a low GI. A low mushroom glycemic index means they have a minimal impact on your sugar levels. This can help in managing blood sugar spikes and maintaining stable glucose levels.

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Rich in Fiber

Mushroom for diabetes patients, especially those with higher fiber content like shiitake and maitake, can contribute to improved digestion and slower carbohydrate absorption. This can help manage your sugar levels and rapid spikes.

Nutrient Content

Mushroom for diabetes patients are a good source of essential nutrients. These include vitamins (like B vitamins), minerals (such as selenium), and antioxidants. These nutrients can support overall health and potentially aid in managing diabetes-related complications.

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Potential Insulin Sensitivity

Some studies suggest that regular consumption of mushroom for diabetes may enhance insulin sensitivity. Insulin and its functionality are a prime factor in your journey of diabetes management. Improved insulin sensitivity can help the body use insulin more effectively, potentially leading to better blood sugar control.

Low-Calorie Option

Many mushroom varieties are low in calories, making them an excellent choice for diabetes patients looking to manage their weight. Incorporating mushroom for diabetes friendly meals can provide satisfying flavors and textures without contributing excessive calories.

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Substitute for High-Carb Ingredients

Mushroom for diabetes patients can be used as a versatile and flavourful substitute for higher-carb ingredients in various dishes. For example, using mushroom slices as a pizza topping or in place of pasta in certain recipes can help reduce overall carbohydrate intake.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Some types of mushrooms, such as reishi and shiitake, contain compounds with potential anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is often associated with diabetes and its complications, so consuming anti-inflammatory foods can be beneficial.

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Heart Health Benefits

Certain mushroom for diabetes patients contain compounds that may improve your heart health. The compounds help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. This can be particularly important for diabetes patients at a higher risk of heart-related issues.

Remember, while mushroom for diabetes patients offers these potential advantages, they should be part of a well-balanced and individualized diabetes meal plan.

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Ways to Consume Mushroom for Diabetes Patients

Here are some tasty recipes for mushroom for diabetes patients which can be included in your diet regime:

1. Mushroom Curry

Prepare a flavourful mushroom curry using spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, and garam masala. You can use a tomato-based gravy or a yoghurt-based curry to add depth of flavour. Pair this recipe of mushroom for diabetes diet with roti or brown rice.

2. Mushroom Stir-Fry

Create a quick and healthy mushroom stir-fry with your favourite vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and green beans. Use minimal oil and a combination of spices like mustard seeds, curry leaves, and a pinch of asafoetida for a South Indian touch. Serve this recipe of mushroom for diabetes meals with steamed rice or millet roti.

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3. Mushroom and Lentil Soup

Prepare a hearty mushroom and lentil soup by combining mushrooms with split red lentils (masoor dal). Add Indian spices like cumin, coriander, and fenugreek seeds for flavour. The low mushroom glycemic index and carbs content enable it to be used as an evening snack. This soup can be enjoyed as a light meal with a side of whole wheat bread.

4. Mushroom Sabzi (Dry Curry)

Create a dry mushroom sabzi using spices like cumin, turmeric, and chilli powder. Add in diced onions, tomatoes, and a touch of ginger-garlic paste for extra flavour. This recipe of mushroom for diabetes patients can be a great accompaniment to roti or even as a topping for dosa.

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5. Mushroom Raita

Prepare a refreshing mushroom raita by mixing finely chopped mushrooms with yoghurt, chopped mint leaves, and a pinch of roasted cumin powder. This cooling side dish complements spicy Indian meals.

Mushroom Side Effects for Diabetes Patients

Mushroom Side Effects for Diabetes Patients

Mushroom for diabetes patients are generally considered safe but only when consumed in measured amounts. And as part of a balanced diet. However, there are a few potential considerations:

Blood Sugar Impact

While the mushroom glycemic index is low, individual responses to foods can vary. Some people might experience slight increases in blood sugar levels after consuming mushrooms. It’s advisable to monitor your blood sugar levels to understand how mushrooms specifically affect you.

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Allergies or Sensitivities

Allergies or sensitivities to mushrooms can exist. If eating mushroom for diabetes patients gives them any adverse reactions it’s necessary to avoid them. Common allergic reactions include skin rashes, itching, digestive discomfort, or even more severe symptoms in rare cases.

Interaction with Medications

Some studies suggest that certain types of mushroom for diabetes patients, such as maitake and reishi, may have hypoglycemic effects (lowering blood sugar levels). If you’re taking medications to manage diabetes, consuming significant amounts of these mushrooms for diabetics might lead to an excessive drop in blood sugar. Consult your healthcare provider before making substantial changes to your mushroom consumption.

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Digestive Sensitivity

For some, mushroom for diabetes patients may be difficult to digest, leading to gas, bloating, or other digestive discomfort. Cooking mushrooms thoroughly and starting with smaller portions can help mitigate this potential issue.

Culinary Preparations

The way mushrooms are cooked can influence their impact on blood sugar levels. Frying mushrooms in oil or butter can increase the calorie content and potentially affect blood sugar. Opt for healthier cooking methods like grilling, roasting, or sautéing with minimal oil. Avoid oiled and buttery recipes of mushroom for diabetes patients.

Read More: Normal Blood Sugar Level for Adults Age-wise.

Added Ingredients

Be mindful of the ingredients and sauces used in mushroom dishes. Some sauces are full of sugars, preservatives, and taste enhancers. These ingredients have high sodium, which can badly affect blood sugar and blood pressure. Choose healthier sauce options or prepare your dishes with herbs and spices.

As with any dietary changes, we advise you to connect with your doctor before incorporating mushroom for diabetes diets. They will provide personalized guidance based on your individual health needs and medication regimen.

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In conclusion, the answer to the big question, is mushroom good for diabetes patients? Is a big yes. Mushroom for diabetes patients offer promising potential as a favorable addition to the diets of diabetes patients. With their low glycemic index, fiber content, and potential anti-diabetic properties, mushrooms can contribute to better blood sugar management. Research suggests that regular consumption of mushrooms might lead to improved insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health. Additionally, their nutrient-rich profile, low-calorie content, and low mushroom glycemic index. And versatility in culinary applications makes them a valuable ingredient for creating balanced, diabetes-friendly meals. However, as with any dietary changes, diabetes patients need to exercise caution and moderation. Monitoring blood sugar levels, consulting healthcare professionals, and maintaining a well-rounded diet tailored to individual needs are vital components of effective diabetes management. While mushrooms offer potential benefits, it’s important to approach their incorporation into the diet with informed choices and under the guidance of a doctor.


How much mushroom can I eat in a day?

Generally, eating 50 to 70 grams of mushroom for diabetes patients can provide a significant amount of dietary fiber. However, before including mushrooms in significant amounts in your diet consult with your doctor to find out what quantity suits your body.

What is the best time to eat mushroom?

Several studies indicate that mushroom for diabetes patients are included in the first meal of the day. Eating mushrooms for breakfast gives a feeling of satiety keeping you full for longer periods.


Can I eat mushroom everyday?

Yes, mushrooms can be consumed everyday and even can be included in your diabetes-friendly diet. Mushroom glycemic index, carbs and fat content is low and is rich in fiber. Mushroom contains nutrients like vitamin B, etc, which can benefit our body.


Can we eat egg and mushroom together?

Yes, egg and mushroom for diabetes patients can be a good breakfast or evening snack option. Egg provides proteins and good cholesterol to our body while mushrooms can give fiber and meaty texture to the dish.


Does mushroom increase sugar level?

Mushroom glycemic index and its glycemic load is low. Mushroom contains less carbs and fats, it also has vitamin B and polysaccharide content. All these nutrients will benefit diabetic patients and won’t increase their sugar levels.


Which mushroom is best for diabetes?

All edible and cultivated mushrooms are nutritious and can be consumed by diabetics. However, mushrooms like shiitake and maitake are known for their high fiber content. High fiber foods are very beneficial for diabetes patients.


Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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