Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Last updated on May 8th, 2023

Are you someone who’s struggling with diabetes and also noticing a lot of hair fall lately? Well, you’re not alone. Diabetes is a persistent condition that impacts millions worldwide, and it can cause a whole host of problems. One less prominent reason for heavy hair loss is diabetes, where average hair fall per day becomes more and more prominent as the days pass by.

Yup, you heard that right. Hair loss can be a real issue for people with diabetes, and it’s not just limited to those with type 2 diabetes. But can hair loss be reversed? So, if you are keen to know about the connection between diabetes and hair loss, buckle up and read on! In this article, we will be digging everything in and around this topic, providing you with all the knowledge you may need.

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a super common condition that happens when you start losing hair from your scalp or other parts of your body. Hair loss and even extreme hair loss are very common now and can occur to anyone, irrespective of age. But does loose hair grow back?

But why sudden hair fall? Basically, in the hair fall starting stage, hair loss happens when your hair follicles stop producing new hair cells, which can be caused by a bunch of different factors like genetics, hormonal changes, stress, medication, or underlying medical conditions. Some people might experience mild hair thinning or shedding, while others might experience more than hair fall starting stage and lose hair in patches or experience an increase in baldness levels. It can be a pretty tough experience, both physically and emotionally.

Extreme hair loss also happens during pregnancy and in populations suffering from persistent syndromes like diabetes, where average hair fall per day goes on increasing. But there are plenty of treatments and remedies available to regulate it and even perform certain exercises for hair fall control.

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Relationship Between Diabetes and Hair LossDiabetes and Hair Loss

Diabetes is a syndrome that impacts the body’s proficiency to control blood sugar levels. When left unattended, diabetes can cause a spectrum of health problems, comprising hair loss. Therefore diabetes and hair loss have a long-standing connection. Hair loss is a widespread disorder among people with diabetes. So diabetes can also be the reason for heavy hair loss. In fact, researchers have proved that humans with diabetes are more likely to suffer extreme hair loss than those without the condition. But can hair loss be reversed? What is the tie between diabetes and hair loss? Below we will answer all your doubts.

But does sugar cause hair loss? Is sugar good for hair? We know there are many questions like these popping up in your head. So let’s know one by one. Well, it turns out that spiked blood sugar levels can cause harm to the blood vessels and nerves that pool blood to the hair follicles. Without proper blood flow, hair follicles may become weak and eventually stop producing hair. This can lead to a kind of hair loss called alopecia areata. In this, hair loss happens in patches, and the scalp develops hairless patches.

In addition to alopecia areata, people with diabetes may also experience diffuse hair thinning, which is a gradual thinning of the hair all over the scalp and an increase in average hair fall per day. Thus proving diabetes and hair loss relationship. Moreover, diabetes can cause inflammation, which can also contribute to hair loss and is the reason for heavy hair loss. Inflammation can destroy hair follicles and affect the hair growth cycle. Finally, some medications used to manage diabetes may also contribute to extreme hair loss as a side effect. It’s worth mentioning that there are additional factors, such as genetics, age, hormonal differences, and specific medical conditions, that can also cause hair loss.

However, if you have diabetes and are experiencing hair loss, it’s important to talk to your doctor to determine if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed. There are a few steps you can adhere to help reduce diabetes and hair loss control. For instance, retaining good blood sugar control can lessen the risk of damage to blood vessels and inflammation.

Furthermore, consuming a healthful diet and management of stress levels can also assist in facilitating healthy hair growth. In summary, while diabetes and hair loss are linked, there are things you can do to help prevent or manage hair loss if you have the condition. Remember to talk to your doctor if you are undergoing extreme hair loss or experiencing progressive baldness levels, as they will help you deduce the best option for you.

Can Hair Loss Be Stopped?Can Hair Loss be Stopped?

High blood sugar levels and inflammation can damage hair follicles and contribute to hair loss in people with diabetes. However, by managing your blood sugar levels and taking steps to reduce inflammation, you may be able to prevent further hair loss. With the advancement of medical sciences today, specific diabetes and hair loss treatment is available. But can hair loss be reversed? Let’s find out. But first, let’s know a few tips to help prevent extreme hair loss if you have diabetes:

Keep your blood sugar levels under control: Is sugar good for hair? First and foremost, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels consistently. Take your medicines as prescribed, and follow a healthy diet, as sugar for hair isn’t good at all.

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Manage Stress Levels:

High-stress levels can contribute to inflammation, which can, in turn, contribute to hair loss. So, discover ways to keep stress in check, such as performing yoga, meditation, or deep breathing sessions.

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Eat a Healthy Diet:

Can poor digestion cause hair loss? Yes, definitely, as this is also a reason for heavy hair loss. A healthy diet should consist of nutrients like proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, which can assist in promoting healthy hair growth. So, make sure you’re consuming plenty of fruits, fiber, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet.

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Talk to Your Doctor:

If you’re suffering from extreme hair loss, it’s necessary to speak to your physician so that you can be sure of the cause and also know of the underlying issues, if any, that need your attention. They will be able to suggest medicines and therapies that can further help curb hair loss in the hair fall starting stage.

While hair loss can be a frustrating and discomforting issue and seeing an increase in average hair fall per day is often heartbreaking. But there are precautions you can adopt to help reduce and control it if you have diabetic scalp conditions. Remember, it’s essential to take care of your overall health and well-being, and your hair will thank you for it!

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Treatment of Hair Loss

Receding hairline, thinning of hair, patches, expanding baldness levels appearing on the head; well, no one likes it, right? So now we bring to you all the possible treatments, remedies, and therapies available to get back your silky hair and make you a lot younger than you currently look in diabetic scalp conditions.

But what’s noteworthy is that there is no single antidote available to solve this problem. Moreover, increased hair loss due to lack of blood circulation is also a reason. Every therapy and medication acts differently in different people. It also depends on the reason for heavy hair loss and its type. However, in most cases, with proper care and treatment, you can control hair loss.

To stop hair loss, the first thing you need to check is your blood sugar levels and keep them at prescribed levels. But you may be wondering how? Nonetheless, there are a few set methods available to do so. A person can monitor their blood sugar by:

  • Monitoring the blood sugar levels constantly: This involves keeping fasting and post-consumption sugar and HbA1C levels in control.
  • Adhering to all the medications given by the medical doctor.
  • Sticking to a balanced and healthy diet and avoiding eating junk food.
  • Choosing a healthy lifestyle by performing some physical activities such as jogging/running, gyming, exercising, and doing yoga for hair fall control.
  • But does exercise help hair growth? The answer isn’t that simple and straight. Exercise along with medication can reduce your baldness levels and save you from extreme hair loss. However, sticking only to exercise can do many things, but tackling hair growth is not its forte.

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Medications Available for Hair LossMedications available for Hair Loss


First up, we have Minoxidil, which is available in pharmacies and cosmetic shops in both liquid and foam forms. It’s applied instantly to the scalp, and on application, it dilates blood vessels and boosts blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulating hair regeneration. Increased blood flow and hair growth will start immediately. But it’s not a cure for baldness, but it can definitely help slow down or even reverse extreme hair loss in some cases.

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The second medicine available is Finasteride. Finasteride diabetes drug is available only on the recommendation of your doctor in a written prescription. This finasteride diabetes medication works by hampering the production of DHT, a hormone that causes hair follicles to recede and finally halt hair production. It’s typically consumed orally in the form of pills and can be effective in preventing further hair loss, and you will also witness signs of hair regrowth.

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Let’s know another diabetes and hair loss connection. Many people who have diabetes are identified as having poor levels of biotin in their bodies. So here another diabetes and hair loss treatment drug. Biotin is nothing but a sub-variant of vitamin B. Studies suggest adequate biotin levels in our body prevent hair loss and increase the process of reducing diabetic scalp conditions. So people with diabetes should consume biotin as a supplement or naturally. Biotin is found in food like:

  • Eggs
  • Yeast and bread
  • Kidney and liver
  • Sweet potato
  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts
  • Peanuts

So using these, you will witness signs of hair regrowth. Apart from this, there are also some shampoos and supplements out there that claim to promote hair growth, but their effectiveness is often debated and varies from person to person. It’s always reasonable to consult with your healthcare physician before starting any new hair loss therapy or medication for diabetic scalp conditions.

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Other Effects of Diabetes on the BodyEffect of Diabetes on Different Body Parts

Diabetes, along with instigating extreme hair loss, also influences many other damages to different body parts if kept unchecked. So let us dive a bit deeper into how and which parts diabetes affects in our body.


When blood sugar levels are constantly high, it can cause harm to the blood vessels in the eye retina. The retina senses the light and signals the brain. Damaged retina blood vessels can cause diabetic retinopathy and extreme hair loss. This will cause several eye problems and even partial or full blindness if left unattended. In addition to this, diabetic patients are also at a greater risk of cultivating other eye diseases, such as cataracts and glaucoma, and extreme hair loss.

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The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste out of the blood. However, increased blood sugar can harm the blood vessels in the kidneys and deter their functioning. This leads to a condition called diabetic nephropathy, which can cause kidney failure over time—people with diabetes need to get regular kidney function tests to catch any problems early.

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Diabetes can harm the nerves of the body, particularly the legs. This condition is called diabetic neuropathy. In this, you may feel numbness, tingling, and even pain in your legs. In addition to neuropathy, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing other nerve problems, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and gastroparesis (a condition where the stomach takes too long to empty), and diabetic scalp conditions.

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High blood sugar can cause damage to the arteries and veins and heighten the risk of heart disease and stroke. In fact, diabetic patients are at double the risk of having cardiovascular ailment when compared to those who don’t have it, along with experiencing hair fall starting stage. That’s why it’s crucial to regulate blood sugar levels and keep other risk factors for heart disease (such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol) in check. Another fact is high blood pressure hair loss in females is more prominent than in males.

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Because of nerve damage and poor circulation, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing foot problems. This can include dry skin, calluses, infections, and ulcers. In extreme cases, foot problems cause amputation. So diabetic patients must take proper care of their feet by maintaining proper hygiene and check-up schedules. You should wear comfortable shoes and get regular foot examinations from your doctor and keep both diabetes and hair loss at decent levels.

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Hair loss can be a potential complication of diabetes, but it’s essential to know that treatments are available, so do not panic. Diabetes and hair loss have a long-standing relationship. So if you’re experiencing hair loss, adhere to our advice and medication and start experiencing the change. Secondly, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare professional for advice and support. Remember, managing diabetes and diabetic scalp conditions can be challenging, but with the proper care and treatment, you can live a healthy and fulfilling life.

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What vitamins are good for diabetic hair?

People having diabetes develop specific vitamin deficiencies, the most common fault of vitamin B and its subtypes like biotin. So taking biotin through natural sources and supplements will be suitable for your diabetic hair and witness a decrease in baldness levels gradually.

Does exercise help hair growth?

There is no exercise for hair fall, but if you are in the hair fall starting stage, you can intake the above-suggested medication and increase blood flow and hair growth by massages and perform yoga for hair fall control. You will definitely see signs of hair regrowth.

How do you treat diabetic hair?

The treatment and medication for diabetic hair and extreme hair loss are almost the same as an average person suffering from hair fall. However, a diabetic person must keep the sugar level in their blood in check. They must keep their blood glucose, fasting sugar, and HBA1c levels close to normal or at levels prescribed by their doctor. An increase in blood flow and hair growth automatically gains pace.

Can diabetic take biotin?

Yes, diabetic patients can take biotin in specified amounts, but only after prescribing it by the physician. Biotin is safe for both types of diabetes, be it type 1 or type 2. Consuming biotin will prevent hair loss and improve diabetic scalp conditions along with regulating blood sugar levels and will give you signs of hair regrowth.

Is hair loss common with diabetes?

Yes, hair loss is now getting common among people who have diabetes. Diabetes and hair loss have a strong connection, as well as weight loss and hair loss. Hair loss begins from the middle scalp area, and diabetic scalp conditions get worse, and women are more prone to it.

How to stop hair loss from diabetes?

The best way to control hair loss due to diabetes is to keep sugar levels in check. But does sugar cause hair loss? Maintaining a healthy diet, doing regular physical exercise and being on prescribed medication will improve your fitness and positively regulate blood vessel health, and reduce hair loss. You also perform yoga for hair fall control.

Does diabetes hair loss grow back?

Yes, it is possible to grow back the hair falls you witnessed due to diabetes. The first step is maintaining the appropriate level of blood sugar over time. The second step involves taking medicines like Minoxidil, Biotin, etc., which reduce diabetic scalp conditions and extreme hair loss and starts protruding new hair cells.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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