11 Health Benefits of Ragi | Is Ragi Good for Diabetes?

Last updated on October 1st, 2023

Ragi is becoming a popular choice, replacing many bowls of cereal, due to Ragi’s health benefits. It is a nutrient-dense coarse cereal that helps to control sugar levels, reduce weight, and promotes bone, heart, skin, and hair health. In addition, it also provides several health benefits to the liver, digestive system, and depression conditions.

What is Ragi?

Ragi or finger millet, botanically known as Eleusine coracana, is grown in Africa and India. It is a major crop in South India, with Karnataka accounting for more than half of the total yield. Ragi Sangati or Ragi mudde is one of the staples and popular foods of Karnataka. Finger Millet comes from the Gramineae family and its seeds are purple, red, or brown in color. This crop can withstand extreme weather conditions and can be cultivated in different geographical areas. It is rich in fiber, carbs, fat, proteins, calcium, and other nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Although it is not a staple grain due to other prime gains like wheat, barley, rice or oats, etc. However lately it is being used in a healthy diet because of Ragi’s nutritional value.

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Nutritional Value of Ragi

ragi halwa in bowl

Ragi is a rich source of fiber, carbs, protein, fat, and other micronutrients. It is also high in antioxidants that help in reducing the risks of various chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, heart problem, digestive conditions (IBS), and bone diseases. It is a superfood, the best breakfast option, and also its Vitamin content promotes immunity and skin/hair health.

This table represents several nutrients and their amounts present in 100 g of Ragi:

Nutritional Value of Ragi
Nutrients (in 100 grams of Ragi) Its amount
Calories 385kcal
Carbs 25%
Fiber 14%
Protein 10%
Sugar 2%
Total Fat 7%
Calcium 26%
Potassium 27%
Iron 11%

Apart from these major nutrients, it is also high in antioxidants like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin C, folic acid, etc. It is also a good source of amino acids like isoleucine, tryptophan, valine, methionine, and threonine. Overall Ragi is abundant in a variety of nutrients that are essential for good health.

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Ragi

Many people get confused because raw Ragi has a 71 glycemic index which is on the high side but when cooked, it falls into the low to medium glycemic index category with 55 GI. It is also a good cereal alternative for diabetics as it is high in fibre, minerals, and amino acids. Fibre-rich food slows digestion, and it releases glucose slowly into the bloodstream hence keeping blood sugar levels in check.

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Health Benefits of Ragi

Ragi, as previously stated, is a superfood among grains. It is the only grain that is gluten-free and can help with a variety of digestive and allergic conditions. Furthermore, because this is a very small grain that cannot be refined or processed, its nutrients remain in their natural state. Refining any grain increases its sugar content and Ragi, unrefined and unprocessed grain, has low sugar content. The health benefits of Ragi are:

1. Good for Diabetes

Looking at its nutritional profile, one might wonder how this high-carb millet can be beneficial to diabetics. Ragi is the wonder grain for diabetics because of its nutritional value. It is rich in dietary fibers, polyphenols, phytates, tannins, amino acids, and other minerals that keep sugar levels in control. A high-fiber diet slows the absorption of glucose in the body. This is a good breakfast option for a diabetic-friendly diet. It also reduces cholesterol levels in the body. It also reduces the oxidative stress and inflammation that is diabetes complications or triggers it.

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2. Good for Heart Health

ragi seeds in bowl

Ragi millet is a sodium and cholesterol-free grain which makes it one of the best foods for people with heart conditions. It is also rich in antioxidants like niacin, thiamine, etc. that help in reducing plaque from arteries and provide smooth blood flow. Also, it prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and promotes good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, these properties of ragi keep the heart healthy and reduce the risks of heart conditions. It also lowers high blood pressure or hypertension which is the key cause of various heart problems.

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3. Helps in Weight Loss

Do you wonder how Ragi is so helpful in weight loss? Ragi is a fibrous grain that keeps you full for a longer time. It curbs your appetite thus keeping you away from unnecessary munching. It is also high in many nutrients that support a maintained weight. Ragi also contains tryptophans that are linked to weight loss.

4. Promotes Digestive Health

A fiber-rich diet is all you need for regular bowel movements. Ragi facilitates bowel movement and fecal passage. It alleviates IBS symptoms and effects (irritable bowel syndrome). Ragi also helps the intestines to digest food easily. It also prevents the development of colon cancer.

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5. Good for Bone Health

Did you know that no other cereals or grains contain as much calcium as Ragi? 100 grams of Ragi contains 26% of calcium which is important for bone health. It lowers the chances of developing osteoporosis and bone density loss. This calcium aids to strengthen bone density. Although consumption depends on age factor. In middle-aged or older people this excess calcium can cause kidney and gastrointestinal conditions. Therefore young individuals can eat Ragi daily but elder ones should keep an eye on the quantity.

6. Good in Pregnancy and Lactation

Lactating mothers should consume ragi every day. The best way is to eat sprouted Ragi. It is rich in iron and calcium which increases milk production and helps in lactation. It also increases hemoglobin and eventually supports breast milk production. Thus it is good for both the child and mother’s health.

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7. Good for the Nervous System

Amino acid tryptophan in Ragi helps to keep the nervous system healthy and activates neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain. It has a calming property that helps in preventing and easing anxiety, insomnia, sleep, and depression and elevates mood. It relaxes the brain and gives you the feeling of calmness.

8. Increases Hemoglobin and Prevents Anemia

Ragi is full of iron content that helps with iron deficiency. Iron deficiency reduces the hemoglobin causing conditions like anemia. It causes fatigue, tiredness, low body function, reduced immunity, and triggers other health conditions. Consumption of Ragi every day elevates the iron levels in the body and gives you energy.

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9. Good for Liver Health

lots of ragi seeds in spoon

As we all know, this millet is a treasure of various powerful antioxidants that fights off free radicals in the body. It removes these toxins from the liver and gallbladder and improves their health. It also prevents fatty liver conditions by removing fat accumulation.

10. Good for Skin

Ragi has rejuvenating and beautifying properties that promote skin health. It is a good source of amino acids like Methionine and Lysine and antioxidants like Vitamin C that are filled with anti-aging and skin-vitalizing properties.

  • Ragi has anti-aging components like flavonoids and phenolic acid. It keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
  • It also encourages collagen formation which is essential for firm and smooth skin.
  • It is also a good source of Vitamin E which is considered an essential nutrient for good, hydrated, and glowing skin. Vitamin E is also used in many cosmetic and beauty products for good skin health.
  • Ragi is also used to treat pigmentation and suntan.
  • It also treats acne, boils, pimples, scars, blemishes, etc. Plant compounds like tannins help in preventing and treating these skin conditions.
  • It also treats skin infections.

11. Good for Hairs

  • Ragi has several nutrients that promote good hair health and prevent various hair-related problems like hair fall, gray hair, dandruff, etc.
  • As Ragi’s nutritional value explains, it is a high-protein food. Hair is pure protein and lack of keratin protein in the body leads to hair fall. Eating Ragi can prevent such hair falls and provide an ample amount of protein to the body.
  • Amino acids Methionine and Lysine also provide nourishment to the hair follicles and prevent hair loss. It also aids in early graying.
  • Ragi is abundant in antioxidants that help in reducing the risk of gray hair or untimely graying. It provides pigmentation to the hair and keeps them healthy.
  • Ragi also has antimicrobial properties that help to remove dandruff from the scalp. It is a rich source of carotenoids that promotes a healthy scalp and is responsible for Ragi’s anti-dandruff properties.
  • Magnesium also makes hair strong and prevents hair loss.

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Way to Consume Ragi

Ragi is a small millet that has a plethora of health benefits. This is the healthiest breakfast option to serve your body. There are multiple ways of including it in your daily diet. This nutritious superfood promotes heart, digestive, skin, bone, and liver health. You can prepare multiple delicious recipes from Ragi like dosa, idli, paratha, uttapam, upma, ragi roti, etc. If you like sweet food then you can also make Ragi halwa or barfi.

Ragi Dosa

This is one of the popular Ragi. To make this dish, you’ll need:

  • Ragi Flour or Ragi atta – 1 cup
  • Wheat or Rice Flour – ½ cup
  • Suji or Rava – ½ cup
  • Curd – ¼ cup
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Green Chillies
  • Oil
  • Mix all the ingredients and make a batter out of it
  • Now heat a tawa and grease it with oil
  • Then pour this mixture onto it
  • Cook it on medium flame
  • Cook both sides by flipping
  • Serve hot and tasty dosa

Ragi Porridge or Ragi Malt

ragi shake in a glass

It is one of the healthiest breakfast recipes and is very easy to cook. To prepare sweet porridge, you will need:

  • Ragi Flour or raagi aata – 4 tablespoon
  • Water – 1.5 cup
  • Jaggery – as per taste
  • Milk – optional
  • Take 4 tablespoons of ragi flour in the pan and add water to it
  • Mix it well until no lumps remain
  • Now boil it on the stove
  • When it boils, add jaggery or gud to the mixture
  • Keep stirring until it cooks
  • Remove it from the stove and you can add milk to it if you want.
  • To make it salty, instead of adding jaggery, add salt after removing it from the stove. You can add buttermilk to it. It gives you a cooling effect in the summer and will keep you calm.

Side-Effects of Ragi

Although Ragi is safe to consume, people with kidney conditions can have side effects of Ragi. It is high in calcium content that can increase the formation of kidney stones and can increase oxalic acid in the body. Furthermore, people with indigestion, gas, or constipation conditions should also avoid Ragi as it takes a lot of time to digest. It is high in protein which can cause discomfort and indigestion. Also, ragi is disadvantageous for babies as it takes a lot of time to digest due to their high protein content. It is heavy food for babies so avoid it as baby food.

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Ragi for Diabetes

Ragi belongs to the millet family, and millets are considered good for diabetes. Ragi for diabetes patients is a better grain option compared to wheat and white rice. The high fiber content present in ragi for diabetes patients reduces and manages their blood sugar by delaying the absorption of carbs. A 2002 study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information studied the consumption of finger millet or ragi in non-insulin-dependent diabetics. The study found that ragi-based diets considerably lessened plasma glucose levels. Eating ragi for diabetes patients resulted in lower glycemic response.

Studies have also found ragi millet has phenolic compounds that assist in regulating postprandial blood sugar and hyperglycemia. These phenolic compounds and peptides also release alpha-amylase inhibitors managing post-meal glucose rise. Another 4-week study conducted on diabetic rats showed consuming ragi for diabetes helps by releasing antioxidants and wound healing.

Adding 20% ragi millet based food to the diet for 6 weeks resulted in the reduction of the release of albumin and creatinine in urine in diabetic rats. Albumin is the protein present in our blood. Creatine, on the other hand, is a byproduct of absorbed protein. Many diabetes patients face this complication. However, these effects are yet to be tested in human trials. But the findings are indeed positive.

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Ragi Benefits for Diabetes Patients

Ragi Benefits for Diabetes Patients

Consuming ragi for diabetes patients can have several benefits. Some of them are:

Medium Glycemic Index

The glycemic index of ragi is in the low to medium range. This means it can help regulate sugar levels and prevent abrupt spikes.

High in Fiber

Ragi benefits for diabetes include its rich dietary fiber content. Fiber calms down the absorption rate of sugar and enhances blood sugar control.

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Rich in Nutrients

Ragi atta for diabetes patients is a nutritious source of vital nutrients like calcium, iron, and antioxidants. These are beneficial for overall health, especially for those with diabetes.


Ragi flour benefits for diabetics include its naturally gluten-free composition. This makes it a suitable grain option for diabetics with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

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Ragi for diabetes is beneficial because of its high fiber content. It can help you feel full and satisfied, potentially preventing overeating. This aids in weight management for overweight diabetic patients.

Heart Health 

Ragi millet for diabetes may help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels due to its fiber content.

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Slow Digestion

Ragi grain takes longer to digest, which can help maintain steady energy levels. It prevents sudden blood sugar spikes and crashes.

Digestive Health

The fiber in ragi for diabetes patients can support healthy digestion, which is important for overall well-being, including diabetes management.

Remember to consult with your doctor before making crucial dietary modifications. And include ragi rationally in your daily diet.

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Ragi Flour Recipes for Diabetics

Ragi Flour Recipes for Diabetics

There are many ragi flour benefits for diabetes patients. So here are some delicious ragi recipes for diabetic patients:

Ragi Porridge

Ragi porridge is another simple and nutritious ragi flour recipes. Mix ragi flour with water or milk, add a pinch of salt, and cook until it thickens. Sweeten with a sugar substitute or a small amount of honey if desired.

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Ragi Roti

In ragi recipes for diabetic patients, ragi roti comes at the top. Replace a portion of wheat flour with ragi flour when making rotis. This will add a nutty flavour and extra fiber to your meal.

Ragi Upma

Prepare ragi millet upma by sautéing ragi rava with vegetables and spices. It’s a filling and healthy breakfast option.

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Ragi Idli or Ragi Dosa

Blend ragi flour benefits with urad dal and ferment to make idli or dosa batter. Ragi idli and ragi dosa are low glycemic index alternatives to traditional rice-based idlis or dosas. These South Indian ragi flour recipes for diabetics can be good breakfast options.

Ragi Khichdi

Combine ragi with moong dal, vegetables, and spices to make a nutritious and savory khichdi. This recipe of ragi atta for diabetes can be a good full-course meal.

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Ragi Ladoo

This is among the good ragi flour recipes that can satisfy your sugar tooth. Make ragi ladoos using ragi flour, chopped nuts, and a sugar sweetener like stevia. This recipe of ragi for diabetes patients can be a snacking option, but only in measured amounts.

Ragi Soup

Make hearty ragi recipes for diabetic patients to satisfy their evening cravings. Ragi soup can be made by blending cooked ragi with vegetables and spices.

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Ragi Vegetable Paratha

Combine ragi flour for diabetes patients with whole wheat flour and veggies to make ragi vegetable parathas. However, remember to stuff them with non-starchy veggies for optimum nutrition.

Ragi Cookies

Bake ragi cookies using ragi flour, oats, and a sugar substitute for a healthy treat.

Remember to monitor quantities and consult with a dietitian to ensure that these recipes align with your specific dietary needs. Additionally, it’s essential to choose natural sugar substitutes like stevia, erythritol, etc., in place of regular sugar when sweetening these dishes.

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Side Effects of Ragi for Diabetes Patients

Side Effects of ragi for Diabetes Patients

Ragi for diabetes patients is generally considered safe and beneficial when consumed in moderation. However, as with any food, there can be potential side effects of ragi to keep in mind.

Digestive Issues

Ragi flour for diabetes patients may cause digestive discomfort for some. Some may experience bloating or gastric issues when consuming ragi powder due to its high fiber content. To minimize this, start with small portions and gradually increase your intake to allow your digestive system to adjust.

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Carbs Content

While ragi flour’s glycemic index is lower between 55- 60 than some other grains, it still contains carbs. Diabetes patients should be mindful of portion sizes and control their sugar levels.


Although rare, ragi for diabetes patients can be allergic to some. If you experience any allergic reactions, such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention.

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Medication Interaction

Some may say ragi is not good for diabetes as it’s known to interact with some diabetes medications. However, if you’re taking medications to manage your blood sugar, consult with your doctor to ensure your diet does not interfere with the medicines.

Nutritional Balance

While ragi for diabetes patients is nutritious, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet. Over-reliance on any single food, including ragi, may lead to nutritional imbalances.

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Portion Control

Diabetes management often affects portion control. Pay attention to the portion sizes of ragi dishes to manage your carbohydrate intake effectively.


In some cases, ragi’s slow-digesting nature might lower blood sugar levels too much if not consumed in appropriate portions. So, eating ragi for diabetes patients requires consumption in measured amounts.

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Ragi or Finger Millet is one of the healthiest grains to consume as it is gluten-free and high in fiber, protein, and calcium. It is also a good source of various antioxidants and amino acids that prevents various chronic diseases from developing. This is a good option for breakfast. It promotes heart health, good digestion, bone health, skin and hair health, lactation, reduces blood sugar levels, improves liver health, and helps in nervous system-related conditions like anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. Its optimum quantity provides essential nutrients to the body and keeps your body cool.

Ragi millet for diabetes patients can be a beneficial addition to their diet plan. The low ragi flour glycemic index, gluten-free composition, abundance of dietary fiber, etc., helps to regulate blood sugar and reduce the risk of spikes. Additionally, ragi benefits for diabetes include essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and antioxidants, contributing to overall health.

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When should I eat Ragi?

Ragi is best consumed in the morning. Ragi is full of nutrients with high protein content. Protein takes a lot of time to break down and be absorbed by the body. Eating Ragi at the night can be adverse. Instead of eating in the morning, it gives it ample time to digest easily and is used by the body. However, it also has a relaxing impact and helps in insomnia, having a small amount before 3-4 hours of bed can induce sleep and relax your mind. But overall it is best to include it as a Breakfast meal.

Who should avoid eating Ragi?

Although Ragi is safe to consume, people with kidney conditions can have side effects of Ragi. It is high in calcium content that can increase the formation of kidney stones and can increase oxalic acid in the body. Also, people with indigestion, gas, or constipation conditions should also avoid Ragi as it takes a lot of time to digest. It is high in protein which can cause discomfort and indigestion. Also, ragi is disadvantageous for babies as it takes a lot of time to digest due to their high protein content. It is heavy food for babies so avoid it as baby food.

Is Ragi good food for diabetes?

Looking at its nutritional chart, one may wonder how this high-carb millet can be good for diabetics. Ragi is the wonder grain for diabetics because of its nutritional value. It is rich in dietary fibers, polyphenols, phytates, tannins, amino acids, and other minerals that keep sugar levels in control. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where insulin sensitivity of the body decreases and increases sugar levels in the body. The food we eat breaks down into glucose and is absorbed by the body which spikes blood sugar. But High fiber diet like Ragi slows the absorption of glucose in the body and breaks food slowly. This is a good breakfast option for a diabetic-friendly diet. It also reduces cholesterol levels in the body. It also reduces the oxidative stress and inflammation that is diabetes complications or triggers it.

Is it ok to eat Ragi daily?

Ragi or finger millet is a nutrient-dense food and is also known as a superfood. It is a healthy breakfast option that meets a lot of daily requirements of different nutrients. It is high-fiber, high-protein, and packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, polyphenols, and amino acids. These nutrients help to build a healthy body and aid all organs of the body. Regular consumption also reduces the sugar levels in the body, prevents diabetes, and reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol. Therefore reduces the risk of various heart diseases.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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